Choose your Automotive paint color for your 2017 Audi A4

Restore Your 2017 Audi A4 Finish In Two Steps

Select Your Audi's Color (Step One)

AutomotiveTouchup paint products are custom mixed to perfectly match the color of your 2017 Audi A4 using a basecoat/clearcoat system just like factory specs. To insure a proper match, you’ll need to know your vehicle’s color code, so you can find it on the chart below. The paint code is normally located in the back compartment panel in the trunk. Click here for an Audi paint code location diagram and label example.

Chip Color Codes Color Description
2017 Audi A4 Touch Up Paint | Mythosschwarz Metallic/Mythosschwarz Pearl 03, 0E, 0E0E, 0EPA, 0EPW, 0ESF, 0ESW, 3, LY9T, Y9T 03, 0E, 0E0E, 0EPA, 0EPW, 0ESF, 0ESW, 3, LY9T, Y9T Mythosschwarz Metallic/Mythosschwarz Pearl
2017 Audi A4 Touch Up Paint | Black 041, 4015, 9000, 9010, A1, A15, A1A1, L041 041, 4015, 9000, 9010, A1, A15, A1A1, L041 Black
2017 Audi A4 Touch Up Paint | Monsoon Gray Metallic 0C, 0C0C, 0CPA, 0CPW, 0CSF, 0CSW, LX7R, OC, OCOC, X7R 0C, 0C0C, 0CPA, 0CPW, 0CSF, 0CSW, LX7R, OC, OCOC, X7R Monsoon Gray Metallic
2017 Audi A4 Touch Up Paint | Cuvee Silver Metallic 0D, 0D0D, 0DPA, LX1Y, OD, ODOD, X1Y, XY1 0D, 0D0D, 0DPA, LX1Y, OD, ODOD, X1Y, XY1 Cuvee Silver Metallic
2017 Audi A4 Touch Up Paint | Volcano Red Metallic 1G, 1G1G, 1GPA, 1GPW, LY3M, Y3M 1G, 1G1G, 1GPA, 1GPW, LY3M, Y3M Volcano Red Metallic
2017 Audi A4 Touch Up Paint | Lava Gray Pearl 1R, 1R1R, 41, LZ7L, Z7L 1R, 1R1R, 41, LZ7L, Z7L Lava Gray Pearl
2017 Audi A4 Touch Up Paint | Navarra Blue Metallic 2D, 2D2D, 2DPA, LX5H, X5H 2D, 2D2D, 2DPA, LX5H, X5H Navarra Blue Metallic
2017 Audi A4 Touch Up Paint | Akoya Silver Metallic 2S, 2S2S, LY7H, Y7H 2S, 2S2S, LY7H, Y7H Akoya Silver Metallic
2017 Audi A4 Touch Up Paint | Gletscherweiss Pearl 2Y, 2Y2Y, 2YPW, 2YSF, LS9R, S9R 2Y, 2Y2Y, 2YPW, 2YSF, LS9R, S9R Gletscherweiss Pearl
2017 Audi A4 Touch Up Paint | Teak Brown Metallic 4U, 4U4U, 4UPA, 4UPW, LZ8W, Z8W 4U, 4U4U, 4UPA, 4UPW, LZ8W, Z8W Teak Brown Metallic
2017 Audi A4 Touch Up Paint | Quantum Gray 5J, 5J5J, LX7B, X7B 5J, 5J5J, LX7B, X7B Quantum Gray
2017 Audi A4 Touch Up Paint | Sprint Blue Pearl 5N, 5N5N, LZ5F, Z5F 5N, 5N5N, LZ5F, Z5F Sprint Blue Pearl
2017 Audi A4 Touch Up Paint | Condor Gray Metallic 5Q, 5Q5Q, LY7E, Y7E 5Q, 5Q5Q, LY7E, Y7E Condor Gray Metallic
2017 Audi A4 Touch Up Paint | Daytona Gray Pearl/Daytonagrau Pearl 6Y, 6Y6Y, 6YPA, 6YSW, LZ7S, Z7S 6Y, 6Y6Y, 6YPA, 6YSW, LZ7S, Z7S Daytona Gray Pearl/Daytonagrau Pearl
2017 Audi A4 Touch Up Paint | Ipanema Brown Metallic 7V, 7V7V, LY8Y, Y8Y 7V, 7V7V, LY8Y, Y8Y Ipanema Brown Metallic
2017 Audi A4 Touch Up Paint | Florett Silver Metallic Matte/Florettsilber Metallic 8W, 8W8W, LX7K, X7K 8W, 8W8W, LX7K, X7K Florett Silver Metallic Matte/Florettsilber Metallic
2017 Audi A4 Touch Up Paint | Florett Silver Metallic/Florettsilber Metallic 8W, L5, L5L5, L5PA, L5PW, L5SW, LZ7G, Z7G 8W, L5, L5L5, L5PA, L5PW, L5SW, LZ7G, Z7G Florett Silver Metallic/Florettsilber Metallic
2017 Audi A4 Touch Up Paint | Brillantschwarz/Brilliant Black 9004, A2, A2A2, A2PA, A2SF, LY9B, Y9B 9004, A2, A2A2, A2PA, A2SF, LY9B, Y9B Brillantschwarz/Brilliant Black
2017 Audi A4 Touch Up Paint | Garnet Red Pearl 9C, 9C9C, 9CPA, LZ3F, Z3F 9C, 9C9C, 9CPA, LZ3F, Z3F Garnet Red Pearl
2017 Audi A4 Touch Up Paint | Ascari Blue Metallic/Ascariblau Metallic 9W, 9W9W, 9WPA, LX5F, X5F 9W, 9W9W, 9WPA, LX5F, X5F Ascari Blue Metallic/Ascariblau Metallic
2017 Audi A4 Touch Up Paint | Avussilber Metallic C2, LY7J, Y7J C2, LY7J, Y7J Avussilber Metallic
2017 Audi A4 Touch Up Paint | Brilliant Red C8, C8C8, C8PA, C8PW, LY3J, Y3J C8, C8C8, C8PA, C8PW, LY3J, Y3J Brilliant Red
2017 Audi A4 Touch Up Paint | Utopia Blue Metallic D2, D2D2, LX5L, X5L D2, D2D2, LX5L, X5L Utopia Blue Metallic
2017 Audi A4 Touch Up Paint | Explore Blue Metallic E0, LX5C, X5C E0, LX5C, X5C Explore Blue Metallic
2017 Audi A4 Touch Up Paint | Sepangblau Metallic E9, E9E9, LY5Q, Y5Q E9, E9E9, LY5Q, Y5Q Sepangblau Metallic
2017 Audi A4 Touch Up Paint | Classicrot Metallic FQ33-0001, LQ81, Q81 FQ33-0001, LQ81, Q81 Classicrot Metallic
2017 Audi A4 Touch Up Paint | Palace Blue Pearl FQ33-0003, LQ83, Q83 FQ33-0003, LQ83, Q83 Palace Blue Pearl
2017 Audi A4 Touch Up Paint | Saddle Brown Pearl FQ33-0004, LQ84, Q84 FQ33-0004, LQ84, Q84 Saddle Brown Pearl
2017 Audi A4 Touch Up Paint | Samtviolett Perleffekt FQ33-0007, LQ87, Q87 FQ33-0007, LQ87, Q87 Samtviolett Perleffekt
2017 Audi A4 Touch Up Paint | Manhattan Gray Metallic/Manhattengrau Metallic H1, H1H1, H1PA, LX7L, X7L H1, H1H1, H1PA, LX7L, X7L Manhattan Gray Metallic/Manhattengrau Metallic
2017 Audi A4 Touch Up Paint | Sand Beige Metallic H1W, LH1W, P8, P8P8 H1W, LH1W, P8, P8P8 Sand Beige Metallic
2017 Audi A4 Touch Up Paint | Pantherschwarz Pearl H8, H8H8, H8PA, LZ9Z, Z9Z H8, H8H8, H8PA, LZ9Z, Z9Z Pantherschwarz Pearl
2017 Audi A4 Touch Up Paint | Phantom Black Pearl L8, L8L8, L8PA, L8SF, LZ9Y, Z9Y L8, L8L8, L8PA, L8SF, LZ9Y, Z9Y Phantom Black Pearl
2017 Audi A4 Touch Up Paint | Eisblau Metallic LX5D, Q7, X5D LX5D, Q7, X5D Eisblau Metallic
2017 Audi A4 Touch Up Paint | Scuba Blue Metallic LX5Q, S9, S9PA, S9PW, S9S9, X5Q LX5Q, S9, S9PA, S9PW, S9S9, X5Q Scuba Blue Metallic
2017 Audi A4 Touch Up Paint | Moonlight Blue Metallic LX5R, W1, W1PA, W1W1, X5R LX5R, W1, W1PA, W1W1, X5R Moonlight Blue Metallic
2017 Audi A4 Touch Up Paint | Gotland Green Metallic LX6W, Q6, Q6Q6, X6W LX6W, Q6, Q6Q6, X6W Gotland Green Metallic
2017 Audi A4 Touch Up Paint | Tornado Gray Metallic LX7P, Q2, Q2Q2, X7P LX7P, Q2, Q2Q2, X7P Tornado Gray Metallic
2017 Audi A4 Touch Up Paint | Arctic Silver Metallic LX7S, X7S, Y0, Y0Y0 LX7S, X7S, Y0, Y0Y0 Arctic Silver Metallic
2017 Audi A4 Touch Up Paint | Ice Silver Metallic LX7W, P5, P5P5, X7W LX7W, P5, P5P5, X7W Ice Silver Metallic
2017 Audi A4 Touch Up Paint | Dakota Gray Metallic LY1P, Y1P, Y7, Y7PW, Y7Y7 LY1P, Y1P, Y7, Y7PW, Y7Y7 Dakota Gray Metallic
2017 Audi A4 Touch Up Paint | Matador Red Metallic LY3S, T7, T7PA, T7T7, Y3S LY3S, T7, T7PA, T7T7, Y3S Matador Red Metallic
2017 Audi A4 Touch Up Paint | Tango Red Metallic LY3U, Y1, Y1PA, Y1Y1, Y3U LY3U, Y1, Y1PA, Y1Y1, Y3U Tango Red Metallic
2017 Audi A4 Touch Up Paint | Suzukagrau Metallic/Suzuka Gray Metallic LY7F, M1, M1M1, M1PA, Y7F LY7F, M1, M1M1, M1PA, Y7F Suzukagrau Metallic/Suzuka Gray Metallic
2017 Audi A4 Touch Up Paint | Argus Brown Metallic/Argusbraun Metallic LY8S, W3, W3W3, Y8S LY8S, W3, W3W3, Y8S Argus Brown Metallic/Argusbraun Metallic
2017 Audi A4 Touch Up Paint | Ibis White/Ibisweiss LY9C, T9, T9PA, T9PD, T9PW, T9SF, T9SW, T9T9, Y9C LY9C, T9, T9PA, T9PD, T9PW, T9SF, T9SW, T9T9, Y9C Ibis White/Ibisweiss
2017 Audi A4 Touch Up Paint | Mechanikalschwarz LY9X, Y9X LY9X, Y9X Mechanikalschwarz
2017 Audi A4 Touch Up Paint | Crimson Red Pearl LZ3H, X7, Z3H LZ3H, X7, Z3H Crimson Red Pearl
2017 Audi A4 Touch Up Paint | Misano Red Pearl LZ3M, N9, N9N9, N9PA, N9SF, Z3M LZ3M, N9, N9N9, N9PA, N9SF, Z3M Misano Red Pearl


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Why The Two-Step Paint System?

Your 2017 Audi A4 is painted at the factory with a high quality basecoat/clearcoat system. This two-step paint system consists of step one, the basecoat, which is your car’s actual color, and step two, the clearcoat, the specially formulated clear paint that protects the base color and provides the luster and deep shine your vehicle came with when new. AutomotiveTouchup products faithfully reproduce your vehicle manufacturer’s basecoat/clearcoat system.

Here's what our customers are saying about our Touch Up Paint:

Paul F, owner of a 2017 Audi A4 from Sandy Springs, GA

It took longer than usual but quality product as always

Alex T, owner of a 2017 Audi A4 from Winchester, CA

I was blown away by how accurate a rattle can of spray paint could match a multistage paint job. Will definitely be ordering some paint pens to test those out as well! Amazing job and amazing product would definitely recommend to anyone!

Michael F, owner of a 2017 Audi A4 from La Quinta, CA

Perfect color/ texture match. I tried to cover some scratches on the trunk lid but I could see where I sprayed the paint. So next I sprayed the whole lid. I found it very tricky with just a spray can. I did not want to spray too much so it would run but where I did not quite do enough I can see it a little "flat". Even after the Gloss Clear Coat I applied I can still see flat areas.

Dale S, owner of a 2017 Audi A4 from Plymouth, MI

I discovered a 6" deep scratch down to bare metal on my car. I had no idea of where or when it happened. I purchased primer in a pen and filled in the depth of the scratch, wet sanded it smooth, and covered it with spray base coat, and topped it with spray clear coat. I got the technique from the website when I ordered the paint. You have to look closely to see the repair.

Phillip R, owner of a 2017 Audi A4 from South San Francisco, CA

Great match and good selection of other finishing products.

David V, owner of a 2017 Audi A4 from Burns, OR

Great product for fixing small gravel/rocks pits. Mixing the paint for each order insures a fresh and correct mix worth waiting several days or more for shipment by the seller.

Jorma A, owner of a 2017 Audi A4 from Berkeley, CA

EXCELLENT product for the purpose at REASONABLE price sent with EXCELLENT customer service.

Phillip R, owner of a 2017 Audi A4 from South San Francisco, CA

I have purchased 3 times and I am delighted with all three. The matches are great due to the instructions and quality of the paint match itself. My wife was impressed when I fixed a scratch on her Audi door. It took awhile but I managed to learn enough to do the job!!!

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