Choose your Automotive paint color for your 2001 Ford Focus

Restore Your 2001 Ford Focus Finish In Two Steps

Select Your Ford's Color (Step One)

AutomotiveTouchup paint products are custom mixed to perfectly match the color of your 2001 Ford Focus using a basecoat/clearcoat system just like factory specs. To insure a proper match, you’ll need to know your vehicle’s color code, so you can find it on the chart below. The color code can be located in the driver side door jamb. Click here for the Ford paint code location chart and paint code image example.

Chip Color Codes Color Description
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Panther Black Metallic/Panther Black Mica 019, 17W, 571, BK, D, D0, D1, D7, D8, D9, EUB, JAHC, JAYA, JAYC, PB, RJW, UE, VBD, XSC2851 019, 17W, 571, BK, D, D0, D1, D7, D8, D9, EUB, JAHC, JAYA, JAYC, PB, RJW, UE, VBD, XSC2851 Panther Black Metallic/Panther Black Mica
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Oxford White 023, 41, 417, 4PC, 4WF, 4WFA, 4WFAWHA, 5W, 6466, 93J, C4C, J2, LFC, M6466, M6466A, UB, W, W7, YZ, YZ-6466 023, 41, 417, 4PC, 4WF, 4WFA, 4WFAWHA, 5W, 6466, 93J, C4C, J2, LFC, M6466, M6466A, UB, W, W7, YZ, YZ-6466 Oxford White
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Frozen White 0F5, 2ZD, 3G, 4CA, 5, 56, 57, 673, 7VTA, 7X5, 9NH, A, A51, CO5, DZW, EUZ, F, F0, F1, H, H6, H6W, H7, H9, PN3GZ, RJF, SWK, WVZ, X1F7X5ZVT, Z2 0F5, 2ZD, 3G, 4CA, 5, 56, 57, 673, 7VTA, 7X5, 9NH, A, A51, CO5, DZW, EUZ, F, F0, F1, H, H6, H6W, H7, H9, PN3GZ, RJF, SWK, WVZ, X1F7X5ZVT, Z2 Frozen White
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | White Platinum Pearl 0FA, 3KP, 59VJ, 7204, 9VJG, 9VJGWHA, 9VJGXHA, C4P, LFH, M7204, M7204A, NYA, PN3KP, RJI, UG, UG-7204 0FA, 3KP, 59VJ, 7204, 9VJG, 9VJGWHA, 9VJGXHA, C4P, LFH, M7204, M7204A, NYA, PN3KP, RJI, UG, UG-7204 White Platinum Pearl
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Deep Impact Blue Metallic/Azul Carmel Pearl Metallic/Deep Impact Blue Pearl Metallic 0FG, 5L, 7289, 7XA, COH, DCWE, DCWEWHA, DCWEXWA, DI, G, H, H6A, HF, J4, J4-7289, M7289A, RJL 0FG, 5L, 7289, 7XA, COH, DCWE, DCWEWHA, DCWEXWA, DI, G, H, H6A, HF, J4, J4-7289, M7289A, RJL Deep Impact Blue Metallic/Azul Carmel Pearl Metallic/Deep Impact Blue Pearl Metallic
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Ruby Red Metallic 0FK, 454, 7283, 7XK, C4A, DST, DSTE, DSTEWTA, DSTEXTA, LFA, M7283A, M7284A, PQ5, RJA, RR, VB3 0FK, 454, 7283, 7XK, C4A, DST, DSTE, DSTEWTA, DSTEXTA, LFA, M7283A, M7284A, PQ5, RJA, RR, VB3 Ruby Red Metallic
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Moondust Silver Metallic 0FO, 2431, 4236, 436, 5, 6, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 7X0, 7XO, COO, DZM, H6M, JK6, K5, M6, MD, NYO, O, O1, O8, PNZJB, R1, RJD, S7, TY, VB6, XSC2431, ZJ, ZJAC, ZJB, ZJN, ZJNC, ZJNCWWA 0FO, 2431, 4236, 436, 5, 6, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 7X0, 7XO, COO, DZM, H6M, JK6, K5, M6, MD, NYO, O, O1, O8, PNZJB, R1, RJD, S7, TY, VB6, XSC2431, ZJ, ZJAC, ZJB, ZJN, ZJNC, ZJNCWWA Moondust Silver Metallic
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Red Pepper Metallic/Pepper Red Metallic 1, 11, 17, 18, 19, 2761C, 572, E5, EC, ECU, ECUC, ECUCWWA, P8, PR, R4, R6, XSC2761 1, 11, 17, 18, 19, 2761C, 572, E5, EC, ECU, ECUC, ECUCWWA, P8, PR, R4, R6, XSC2761 Red Pepper Metallic/Pepper Red Metallic
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Ebony 12, 207, 4, 6373, A2X, J2, M6373, M6373A, R1, UA, UA-6373, UAWAWHA, UB, Z 12, 207, 4, 6373, A2X, J2, M6373, M6373A, R1, UA, UA-6373, UAWAWHA, UB, Z Ebony
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Toreador Red Metallic 14A, 6758, FJYE, FL, KA, M6758A, T2, T7 14A, 6758, FJYE, FL, KA, M6758A, T2, T7 Toreador Red Metallic
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Bright Amber Pearl Metallic 17E, 6811, BG, BG-6811, CQWE, CQWEWHA, M6811A, XC1 17E, 6811, BG, BG-6811, CQWE, CQWEWHA, M6811A, XC1 Bright Amber Pearl Metallic
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Amazon Green Metallic/Amazon Green Pearl Metallic 19W, 6922, 8A, M6922A, M6923A, PE8E, SU, SU-6922 19W, 6922, 8A, M6922A, M6923A, PE8E, SU, SU-6922 Amazon Green Metallic/Amazon Green Pearl Metallic
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Ke Luo La Duo Hong/Colorado Red 1EA4, 608, 7042, 73C, B, C, C0, C8, CO, CR, D3, D3-7042, K, K1, K2, K9, KLAJ, M0, M7042, M7042A, ND, NDTA, NDTAWWA, PF5, PNNDT, T5 1EA4, 608, 7042, 73C, B, C, C0, C8, CO, CR, D3, D3-7042, K, K1, K2, K9, KLAJ, M0, M7042, M7042A, ND, NDTA, NDTAWWA, PF5, PNNDT, T5 Ke Luo La Duo Hong/Colorado Red
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Diamantweiss 206, 4, 691A, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, B9, DW, N8, VB4, W8, ZAFA 206, 4, 691A, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, B9, DW, N8, VB4, W8, ZAFA Diamantweiss
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Diamond White 206, 4, 94, A2C, B2, B3, DW, M6347A, N8, NZ, W8, XSC0691, ZA, ZAAD, ZAFAWWA 206, 4, 94, A2C, B2, B3, DW, M6347A, N8, NZ, W8, XSC0691, ZA, ZAAD, ZAFAWWA Diamond White
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Amparo Blue Metallic 2608, 50, 51, 57, 573, 58, 59, HB, KBRC, XSC2608 2608, 50, 51, 57, 573, 58, 59, HB, KBRC, XSC2608 Amparo Blue Metallic
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Imperial Blue Mica 2681CM, 500, BS, G, H, H0, H3, H4, H5, H6, H7, H8, H9, MXYE, Q, Q2, T, T4, TBA, XSC2681 2681CM, 500, BS, G, H, H0, H3, H4, H5, H6, H7, H8, H9, MXYE, Q, Q2, T, T4, TBA, XSC2681 Imperial Blue Mica
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Stardust Silver Metallic 2724, 492, A6, XSC2724 2724, 492, A6, XSC2724 Stardust Silver Metallic
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Zinc Yellow 2742A, 522, ADAG, ADFA, B7, B7-7000, M6999A, M7000A, N, N0, U, U4, U5, U6, UA3, V, V0, XSC2742, Z, Z8 2742A, 522, ADAG, ADFA, B7, B7-7000, M6999A, M7000A, N, N0, U, U4, U5, U6, UA3, V, V0, XSC2742, Z, Z8 Zinc Yellow
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | State Blue Mica 2772, 551, B9, F0, F1, F2, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, G, G0, H9, K, K5, K6, KHYC, W, W1, XSC2772 2772, 551, B9, F0, F1, F2, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, G, G0, H9, K, K5, K6, KHYC, W, W1, XSC2772 State Blue Mica
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Juice Green Pearl 2790, 3, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 3A4, 3A5, 539, PC8C, W, W2, XSC2790 2790, 3, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 3A4, 3A5, 539, PC8C, W, W2, XSC2790 Juice Green Pearl
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Melina Blue Pearl 2870, KEVC, XSC2870 2870, KEVC, XSC2870 Melina Blue Pearl
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Jewel Green Pearl/Jewel Green Mica 2876WC, 580, B, B2, G, G2, JG, PC9C, PC9CWWA, R, U, U3, U7, XSC2876 2876WC, 580, B, B2, G, G2, JG, PC9C, PC9CWWA, R, U, U3, U7, XSC2876 Jewel Green Pearl/Jewel Green Mica
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Dark Shadow Gray Metallic 28G, 7039, CX, M7039, M7039A, SPWC 28G, 7039, CX, M7039, M7039A, SPWC Dark Shadow Gray Metallic
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | French Blue Metallic 2DTE 2DTE French Blue Metallic
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Saffron Yellow 320, B1, BD, QLP 320, B1, BD, QLP Saffron Yellow
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Bright Blue 3J, 557, 5593, BB, M5593A 3J, 557, 5593, BB, M5593A Bright Blue
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Cinza Berlin Metallic/Sterling Grey Metallic/Sterling Gray Metallic 3KD, 7205, 9QRE, 9QREWHA, M7205, M7205A, UJ, UJ-7205 3KD, 7205, 9QRE, 9QREWHA, M7205, M7205A, UJ, UJ-7205 Cinza Berlin Metallic/Sterling Grey Metallic/Sterling Gray Metallic
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Tuxedo Black Metallic 3KQ, 59AY, 7211, 9AYE, 9AYEWHA, M7211, M7211A, UH, UH-7211 3KQ, 59AY, 7211, 9AYE, 9AYEWHA, M7211, M7211A, UH, UH-7211 Tuxedo Black Metallic
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Dynamic Red Metallic 3RSEWWA, 3SRE, 674, 7089, G2, G2-7089, M7089, PN4AD, RF, T6 3RSEWWA, 3SRE, 674, 7089, G2, G2-7089, M7089, PN4AD, RF, T6 Dynamic Red Metallic
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Radiant Red 411, EM, EMTAWWA, P0, P1, P5, P7 411, EM, EMTAWWA, P0, P1, P5, P7 Radiant Red
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Ebony/Ebony 148541 4205, M4205J, ZHE, ZHE-4205, ZHEA 4205, M4205J, ZHE, ZHE-4205, ZHEA Ebony/Ebony 148541
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Medium Graphite 4245, M4245, M4245J, ZUC, ZUC-4245, ZUCA 4245, M4245, M4245J, ZUC, ZUC-4245, ZUCA Medium Graphite
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Smokestone Mica Metallic 428 428 Smokestone Mica Metallic
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Prata Dublin Metallic/Ingot Silver Metallic 4AG, 5APF, 5C, 5C-7226, 7226, APF, APFE, APFEWHA, APFEXHA, C4E, EUK, LFE, M226A, M7226, M7226A, PN4AG, PN4EK, SWV, UX, UX-7226, WVR 4AG, 5APF, 5C, 5C-7226, 7226, APF, APFE, APFEWHA, APFEXHA, C4E, EUK, LFE, M226A, M7226, M7226A, PN4AG, PN4EK, SWV, UX, UX-7226, WVR Prata Dublin Metallic/Ingot Silver Metallic
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Medium Harvest Gold Metallic 584 584 Medium Harvest Gold Metallic
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Aquamarine Frost Metallic 592, 6464, J8, M6464A, MDDX, MDRE, N, PE4, PN, PN-6464, PNMD 592, 6464, J8, M6464A, MDDX, MDRE, N, PE4, PN, PN-6464, PNMD Aquamarine Frost Metallic
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Pacific Green Metallic 593, 6764, M6764A, PEYE, PG, PS, W 593, 6764, M6764A, PEYE, PG, PS, W Pacific Green Metallic
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Citrus Gold Metallic 603, 6995, ARKE, B8, M6995A 603, 6995, ARKE, B8, M6995A Citrus Gold Metallic
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Light Sapphire Blue Metallic 605, 6992, LV, LV-6992, M6992A, MLTC 605, 6992, LV, LV-6992, M6992A, MLTC Light Sapphire Blue Metallic
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Dark True Blue 607, M9 607, M9 Dark True Blue
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Twilight Blue Metallic 6290, 7F, 8B9EWHA, BK2, M2, M6290A, MK 6290, 7F, 8B9EWHA, BK2, M2, M6290A, MK Twilight Blue Metallic
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Sparkle Silver Metallic 6389, M6389, M6389A, YFKC 6389, M6389, M6389A, YFKC Sparkle Silver Metallic
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Broom Yellow 647, TK 647, TK Broom Yellow
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Vermilion Red 6470, 6886, 6D, E4, E4-6470, E8-6496, EGRA, EGRAWHA, M6470A, UD, W4665, W4665D 6470, 6886, 6D, E4, E4-6470, E8-6496, EGRA, EGRAWHA, M6470A, UD, W4665, W4665D Vermilion Red
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Performance White 6640, 6878, 76W, M6640A, M6878A, WT, WT-6640, ZGFA 6640, 6878, 76W, M6640A, M6878A, WT, WT-6640, ZGFA Performance White
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Chrome Yellow / Canary Yellow 6675, AFHA, AFHAWHA, BZ, BZ-6675, M6675A 6675, AFHA, AFHAWHA, BZ, BZ-6675, M6675A Chrome Yellow / Canary Yellow
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Silver Frost Metallic 6720, 76R, F09, M6720, M6720A, M6720C, TS, TS-6720, ZJKEWHA 6720, 76R, F09, M6720, M6720A, M6720C, TS, TS-6720, ZJKEWHA Silver Frost Metallic
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Dark Toreador Metallic/Dark Toreador Red Metallic 6771, EVYE, EVYEWHA, JL, JL-6771, M6771A, UF, W4676D, WT4676 6771, EVYE, EVYEWHA, JL, JL-6771, M6771A, UF, W4676D, WT4676 Dark Toreador Metallic/Dark Toreador Red Metallic
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Ultra White 6774, M6774A, ZBHAWHA, ZR 6774, M6774A, ZBHAWHA, ZR Ultra White
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Bright Atlantic Metallic/Bright Atlantic Blue Pearl Metallic 6863, K7, K7-6863, KA9E, KA9EWHA, M6863A 6863, K7, K7-6863, KA9E, KA9EWHA, M6863A Bright Atlantic Metallic/Bright Atlantic Blue Pearl Metallic
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Vision Metallic 689, 8CPC, 8CPCWWA, PCW, Q7 689, 8CPC, 8CPCWWA, PCW, Q7 Vision Metallic
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Estate Green Metallic 6918, M6918A, ST, ST-6918 6918, M6918A, ST, ST-6918 Estate Green Metallic
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Harvest Gold Metallic 6926, B2, B2-6926, M6926A, T0 6926, B2, B2-6926, M6926A, T0 Harvest Gold Metallic
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Arizona Beige Metallic 6985, 6986, AQ, AQ-6986, BFQC, BFQCWHA, BFQCXWA, M6985A 6985, 6986, AQ, AQ-6986, BFQC, BFQCWHA, BFQCXWA, M6985A Arizona Beige Metallic
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Thunderbird Blue Metallic 7016, LY, M7016A 7016, LY, M7016A Thunderbird Blue Metallic
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Sunray Gold Metallic 7019, 7109, C6, M7019A 7019, 7109, C6, M7019A Sunray Gold Metallic
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Bright Island Blue Metallic/Bright Island Blue Pearl Metallic 7021, LZ, LZ-7021, M7021A, MUVE, MUVEWWA 7021, LZ, LZ-7021, M7021A, MUVE, MUVEWWA Bright Island Blue Metallic/Bright Island Blue Pearl Metallic
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | White Suede 7193, M7193A, WS, WS-7193 7193, M7193A, WS, WS-7193 White Suede
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Blue Flame Metallic 7220, 9DSEWHA, M7220A, SZ, SZ-7220 7220, 9DSEWHA, M7220A, SZ, SZ-7220 Blue Flame Metallic
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Arizona Beige Metallic AQ, M6986A AQ, M6986A Arizona Beige Metallic
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Medium Harvest Gold Metallic ARRC, ARRCWWA ARRC, ARRCWWA Medium Harvest Gold Metallic
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Laser Red Metallic BA, HL, R9 BA, HL, R9 Laser Red Metallic
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Black 148485 JA6A, M4149J JA6A, M4149J Black 148485
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Atlantic Blue Metallic K6, M6858A, MN K6, M6858A, MN Atlantic Blue Metallic
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Smokestone Mica KRYE, XSC2361 KRYE, XSC2361 Smokestone Mica
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Blackout M6388G, M6488, YFY, YGY, YGYA, YGYAXXG M6388G, M6488, YFY, YGY, YGYA, YGYAXXG Blackout
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Titanium M6534D M6534D Titanium
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Deep Orange PSVAS, SH, SHS, SJ, SVO271 PSVAS, SH, SHS, SJ, SVO271 Deep Orange
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Medium Dark Platinum YBTA YBTA Medium Dark Platinum
2001 Ford Focus Touch Up Paint | Carbon Black YZ9A YZ9A Carbon Black


Why The Two-Step Paint System?

Your 2001 Ford Focus is painted at the factory with a high quality basecoat/clearcoat system. This two-step paint system consists of step one, the basecoat, which is your car’s actual color, and step two, the clearcoat, the specially formulated clear paint that protects the base color and provides the luster and deep shine your vehicle came with when new. AutomotiveTouchup products faithfully reproduce your vehicle manufacturer’s basecoat/clearcoat system.

Here's what our customers are saying about our Touch Up Paint:

James T, owner of a 2001 Ford Focus from Boynton Beach, FL

Thank you the color matched very well even with all the pearl in it I wish I took before and after pictures.

John B, owner of a 2001 Ford Focus from Sammamish, WA

Very fast service, nice quality paint too! Went on easy and really matched some small scratches really well.

Brad M, owner of a 2001 Ford Focus from Lewis Center, OH

The color match to my 15 year old car was amazing. I wondered how it was going to look when the base coat was applied but when the finish clear coat was done it looked fantastic. Thanks, Brad

Steven B, owner of a 2001 Ford Focus from Appleton, WI

I am totally happy with the products I received. The car looks great and my wife is happy. Will order again if needed. Thanks, Steve

Mark G, owner of a 2001 Ford Focus from Sellersburg, IN

The paint was a perfect match for my 2001 Ford Focus. The only thing that I would improve on is maybe a better spray nozzle on the paint can. More of a wide fan pattern nozzle, I have seen that on some paints and I think it would improve the spray of paint. Thanks for a perfect match!

Rich Ballash, owner of a 2001 Ford Focus from Latrobe, PA

I have purchased touch-up paint for two different cars over the past year, both for my 2001 Ford Focus and for my 2002 Ford Escort. Both very metallic clearcoat greens. Both beautiful and somewhat unusual paint colors. The matches have been absolutely perfect. I would look nowhere else for touch-up paint needs. Over my 44 years of touching up my personal vehicles, I've never really gotten a good match from either stock touch-up spray cans, or from the local (and very expensive) mixed up auto parts store spray cans. I was pleasantly surprised, and very pleased. You guys are superb. Keep up the SUPERIOR work! I'll always be back.

Robert C, owner of a 2001 Ford Focus from Newark, NJ

Awesome: Good price, fast shipping, great color match.

Robert D, owner of a 2001 Ford Focus from Dudley, NC

Purchased paint for a 1994 Chevrolet G20 van, a 2001 Ford focus, and a 2001 Ford Windstar, (both same color). Paint for Fords is a very close match, very happy with results. Chevy van is 21 years old and nothing will match perfectly, but this was a lot closer than Dupli-color. Clear coat had peeled off in places and was VERY noticeable. Wet sanded clear coat trying not to go thru color coat, then applied several coats color, and then several coats of clear. Looks much better. Finish is not factory smooth, but I knew it wouldn't be right from the start. Goal was to not have it be so ugly from a distance, (5 feet), and it is good! Very happy with these results too.

Michael G, owner of a 2001 Ford Focus from Bridgeport, CT

I would like to say, the color match is perfect. Just a reminder don't forget to order your clear coat to finish it. But besides my mistake of not ordering the clear coat, having to paint outside with on a slightly windy day, the paint, quality, consistency from the 2 cans I had, as well as how well it matched a car that was 12 years old is just outstanding. My son had a slight fender bender with a guard rail after sliding on some ice. I replaced the front fender, bumper cover, (its plastic and also matched !!), and some of the lights that go into those pieces. I only painted those parts that were replaced. We didn't want to paint the whole car. It looks like it never happened for being a 12 year old car. I definitely would order again. Hopefully I won't have too.... luckily it was only a fender bender!!!

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