Choose your Automotive paint color for your 2010 Ford Escape

Restore Your 2010 Ford Escape Finish In Two Steps

Select Your Ford's Color (Step One)

AutomotiveTouchup paint products are custom mixed to perfectly match the color of your 2010 Ford Escape using a basecoat/clearcoat system just like factory specs. To insure a proper match, you’ll need to know your vehicle’s color code, so you can find it on the chart below. The color code can be located in the driver side door jamb. Click here for the Ford paint code location chart and paint code image example.

Chip Color Codes Color Description
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Panther Black Metallic/Panther Black Mica 019, 17W, 571, BK, D, D0, D1, D7, D8, D9, EUB, JAHC, JAYA, JAYC, PB, RJW, UE, VBD, XSC2851 019, 17W, 571, BK, D, D0, D1, D7, D8, D9, EUB, JAHC, JAYA, JAYC, PB, RJW, UE, VBD, XSC2851 Panther Black Metallic/Panther Black Mica
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Oxford White 023, 41, 417, 4PC, 4WF, 4WFA, 4WFAWHA, 5W, 6466, 93J, C4C, J2, LFC, M6466, M6466A, UB, W, W7, YZ, YZ-6466 023, 41, 417, 4PC, 4WF, 4WFA, 4WFAWHA, 5W, 6466, 93J, C4C, J2, LFC, M6466, M6466A, UB, W, W7, YZ, YZ-6466 Oxford White
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Frozen White 0F5, 2ZD, 3G, 4CA, 5, 56, 57, 673, 7VTA, 7X5, 9NH, A, A51, CO5, DZW, EUZ, F, F0, F1, H, H6, H6W, H7, H9, PN3GZ, RJF, SWK, WVZ, X1F7X5ZVT, Z2, ZVT 0F5, 2ZD, 3G, 4CA, 5, 56, 57, 673, 7VTA, 7X5, 9NH, A, A51, CO5, DZW, EUZ, F, F0, F1, H, H6, H6W, H7, H9, PN3GZ, RJF, SWK, WVZ, X1F7X5ZVT, Z2, ZVT Frozen White
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | White Platinum Pearl 0FA, 3KP, 59VJ, 7204, 9VJG, 9VJGWHA, 9VJGXHA, C4P, LFH, M7204, M7204A, NYA, PN3KP, RJI, UG, UG-7204 0FA, 3KP, 59VJ, 7204, 9VJG, 9VJGWHA, 9VJGXHA, C4P, LFH, M7204, M7204A, NYA, PN3KP, RJI, UG, UG-7204 White Platinum Pearl
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Moondust Silver Metallic 0FO, 2431, 4236, 436, 5, 6, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 7X0, 7XO, COO, DZM, H6M, JK6, K5, M6, MD, NYO, O, O1, O8, PNZJB, R1, RJD, S7, TY, VB6, XSC2431, ZJ, ZJAC, ZJB, ZJN, ZJNC, ZJNCWWA 0FO, 2431, 4236, 436, 5, 6, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 7X0, 7XO, COO, DZM, H6M, JK6, K5, M6, MD, NYO, O, O1, O8, PNZJB, R1, RJD, S7, TY, VB6, XSC2431, ZJ, ZJAC, ZJB, ZJN, ZJNC, ZJNCWWA Moondust Silver Metallic
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Absolute Black Pearl/Shadow Black Pearl 0FP, 2FT, 3, 5B, 5G9Z, 7343, 7XP, 9NX, C4M, COJ, G1, G1-7343, G9ZE, H6Z, M7343A, PNZAT, SWL, UO, VBE, WVS 0FP, 2FT, 3, 5B, 5G9Z, 7343, 7XP, 9NX, C4M, COJ, G1, G1-7343, G9ZE, H6Z, M7343A, PNZAT, SWL, UO, VBE, WVS Absolute Black Pearl/Shadow Black Pearl
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Ebony 12, 207, 4, 6373, A2X, J2, M6373, M6373A, R1, UA, UA-6373, UAWAWHA, UB, Z 12, 207, 4, 6373, A2X, J2, M6373, M6373A, R1, UA, UA-6373, UAWAWHA, UB, Z Ebony
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Toreador Red Metallic 14A, 6758, FJYE, FL, KA, M6758A, T2, T7 14A, 6758, FJYE, FL, KA, M6758A, T2, T7 Toreador Red Metallic
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Blazer Blue 198314, 199065, 199066, 201789, 236621, 237882, 240319, 243075, 254150, 255248, 687, 8CWA, 8CWAWWA, BX, E8, E9, J8, NYR, PN3JV, R8, RJG, UV 198314, 199065, 199066, 201789, 236621, 237882, 240319, 243075, 254150, 255248, 687, 8CWA, 8CWAWWA, BX, E8, E9, J8, NYR, PN3JV, R8, RJG, UV Blazer Blue
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Colorado Red/Ke Luo La Duo Hong 1EA4, 608, 7042, 73C, B, C, C0, C8, CO, CR, D3, D3-7042, K, K1, K2, K9, KLAJ, M0, M7042, M7042A, ND, NDTA, NDTAWWA, PF5, PNNDT, T5 1EA4, 608, 7042, 73C, B, C, C0, C8, CO, CR, D3, D3-7042, K, K1, K2, K9, KLAJ, M0, M7042, M7042A, ND, NDTA, NDTAWWA, PF5, PNNDT, T5 Colorado Red/Ke Luo La Duo Hong
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Black 1R, 6018, 687, ABT, BX, C1, M6018A, R4, Y4, YD, YO, ZHEA 1R, 6018, 687, ABT, BX, C1, M6018A, R4, Y4, YD, YO, ZHEA Black
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Diamantweiss 206, 4, 691A, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, B9, DW, N8, VB4, W8, ZAFA 206, 4, 691A, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, B9, DW, N8, VB4, W8, ZAFA Diamantweiss
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Diamond White 206, 4, 94, A2C, B2, B3, DW, M6347A, N8, NZ, W8, XSC0691, ZA, ZAAD, ZAFAWWA 206, 4, 94, A2C, B2, B3, DW, M6347A, N8, NZ, W8, XSC0691, ZA, ZAAD, ZAFAWWA Diamond White
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Silver Metallic 21H, 6349, 6505, 6895, 9Z, M6505A, YN, Z3, ZJMC, ZJMCWHA 21H, 6349, 6505, 6895, 9Z, M6505A, YN, Z3, ZJMC, ZJMCWHA Silver Metallic
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Sunlight Silver Metallic 22V, N2, S4 22V, N2, S4 Sunlight Silver Metallic
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Ultra Blue Metallic 25E, 6383, M1, M6383A, METEWHA, MM, MM-6383 25E, 6383, M1, M6383A, METEWHA, MM, MM-6383 Ultra Blue Metallic
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Dark Shadow Gray Metallic 28G, 7039, CX, M7039, M7039A, SPWC 28G, 7039, CX, M7039, M7039A, SPWC Dark Shadow Gray Metallic
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Arctic White 2FU, A2, A4D, AW, PMYFU, SWU 2FU, A2, A4D, AW, PMYFU, SWU Arctic White
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Light Flint 2NB, 2NBA 2NB, 2NBA Light Flint
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Satin Silver Metallic 2PJE, 2PJEWHA, 2PJEXHA, 7049, M7049, M7049A, TL, TL-7049 2PJE, 2PJEWHA, 2PJEXHA, 7049, M7049, M7049A, TL, TL-7049 Satin Silver Metallic
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Infra Red Metallic 2R5E, 2R5EWWA, 638 2R5E, 2R5EWWA, 638 Infra Red Metallic
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Ocean Blue 322, XSC1765 322, XSC1765 Ocean Blue
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Sahara Gold Metallic 34S, A4, CP 34S, A4, CP Sahara Gold Metallic
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Panther Black Metallic/Black Pearl 34T, PA, PACR 34T, PA, PACR Panther Black Metallic/Black Pearl
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Moonlight Silver Metallic 34V, CS 34V, CS Moonlight Silver Metallic
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | New Century Silver Metallic 34V, CS, CSCR 34V, CS, CSCR New Century Silver Metallic
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Sparkle Beige Metallic/Beach Sand Metallic 34W, 37E, BC, BE, BG, SB, SBTK 34W, 37E, BC, BE, BG, SB, SBTK Sparkle Beige Metallic/Beach Sand Metallic
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Performance Blue Metallic 34X, 3CVC, 3CVCWWA, 648, G, G4, H, JCC, JKB, PB, PBCR 34X, 3CVC, 3CVCWWA, 648, G, G4, H, JCC, JKB, PB, PBCR Performance Blue Metallic
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Mineral Gray Metallic/Mineral Grey Metallic 35B, 7020, M7020A, M7026A, TK 35B, 7020, M7020A, M7026A, TK Mineral Gray Metallic/Mineral Grey Metallic
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Tonic Blue Metallic 3DTC, 644, D3AA, TO, Z3 3DTC, 644, D3AA, TO, Z3 Tonic Blue Metallic
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Chill Metallic 3JP, 694, 8MJE, 8MJEWWA, 8P, CH, D, D8, P8, VBB 3JP, 694, 8MJE, 8MJEWWA, 8P, CH, D, D8, P8, VBB Chill Metallic
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Cinza Berlin Metallic/Sterling Grey Metallic/Sterling Gray Metallic 3KD, 7205, 9QRE, 9QREWHA, M7205, M7205A, UJ, UJ-7205 3KD, 7205, 9QRE, 9QREWHA, M7205, M7205A, UJ, UJ-7205 Cinza Berlin Metallic/Sterling Grey Metallic/Sterling Gray Metallic
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Tuxedo Black Metallic 3KQ, 59AY, 7211, 9AYE, 9AYEWHA, M7211, M7211A, UH, UH-7211 3KQ, 59AY, 7211, 9AYE, 9AYEWHA, M7211, M7211A, UH, UH-7211 Tuxedo Black Metallic
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Warm Steel Metallic 3Q4, 3Q4C 3Q4, 3Q4C Warm Steel Metallic
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Dynamic Red Metallic 3RSEWWA, 3SRE, 674, 7089, G2, G2-7089, M7089, PN4AD, RF, T6 3RSEWWA, 3SRE, 674, 7089, G2, G2-7089, M7089, PN4AD, RF, T6 Dynamic Red Metallic
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Sonic Blue Pearl Metallic 3YYE, 3YYEWHA, 3YYEXHA, 7095, M7095A, SN, SN-7095 3YYE, 3YYEWHA, 3YYEXHA, 7095, M7095A, SN, SN-7095 Sonic Blue Pearl Metallic
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Ebony 148541 4205, M4205J, ZHE, ZHE-4205, ZHEA 4205, M4205J, ZHE, ZHE-4205, ZHEA Ebony 148541
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Ingot Silver Metallic/Prata Dublin Metallic 4AG, 5APF, 5C, 5C-7226, 7226, APF, APFE, APFEWHA, APFEXHA, C4E, EUK, LFE, M226A, M7226, M7226A, PN4AG, PN4EK, SWV, UX, UX-7226, WVR 4AG, 5APF, 5C, 5C-7226, 7226, APF, APFE, APFEWHA, APFEXHA, C4E, EUK, LFE, M226A, M7226, M7226A, PN4AG, PN4EK, SWV, UX, UX-7226, WVR Ingot Silver Metallic/Prata Dublin Metallic
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Norsea Blue Pearl Metallic/Norsea Blue Metallic 4CQE, 4CQEWHA, 7111, KR, KR-7111, M7111 4CQE, 4CQEWHA, 7111, KR, KR-7111, M7111 Norsea Blue Pearl Metallic/Norsea Blue Metallic
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Royal Ego Metallic 58AY, GO 58AY, GO Royal Ego Metallic
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | School Bus Yellow 6284, 67, 686DP473, 84S53, 91S53, AL, B1, BY, BY-6284, JV8A, M6284, M6284A, M6284F, MX7081255, MX7081280, NY, X0880 6284, 67, 686DP473, 84S53, 91S53, AL, B1, BY, BY-6284, JV8A, M6284, M6284A, M6284F, MX7081255, MX7081280, NY, X0880 School Bus Yellow
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Sparkle Silver Metallic 6389, M6389, M6389A, YFKC 6389, M6389, M6389A, YFKC Sparkle Silver Metallic
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Vermilion Red 6470, 6886, 6D, E4, E4-6470, E8-6496, EGRA, EGRAWHA, M6470A, W4665, W4665D 6470, 6886, 6D, E4, E4-6470, E8-6496, EGRA, EGRAWHA, M6470A, W4665, W4665D Vermilion Red
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Vista Blue Metallic 6CV, 6CV3, 7147, G9, G9-7147, M7147, M7147A 6CV, 6CV3, 7147, G9, G9-7147, M7147, M7147A Vista Blue Metallic
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | True Blue Pearl Metallic 7023, 7029, KLUE, L2, M7023A, M7029A 7023, 7029, KLUE, L2, M7023A, M7029A True Blue Pearl Metallic
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Light Ice Blue Metallic 7054, LS, LS-7054, M7054A 7054, LS, LS-7054, M7054A Light Ice Blue Metallic
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Dark Blue Pearl/Dark Blue Pearl Metallic 7083, DX, M7083A 7083, DX, M7083A Dark Blue Pearl/Dark Blue Pearl Metallic
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Redfire Metallic 7089, G2, M7089A 7089, G2, M7089A Redfire Metallic
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Monterey Metallic 7173, M7173A, T9, T9-7173 7173, M7173A, T9, T9-7173 Monterey Metallic
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Kiwi Green Metallic 7174, M7174A, NZ 7174, M7174A, NZ Kiwi Green Metallic
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Kona Blue Pearl/Kona Blue Metallic 7188, 8DY, 8DYE, 8DYEWHA, C4S, L6, L6-7188, M7188, M7188A 7188, 8DY, 8DYE, 8DYEWHA, C4S, L6, L6-7188, M7188, M7188A Kona Blue Pearl/Kona Blue Metallic
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | White Suede 7193, M7193A, WS, WS-7193 7193, M7193A, WS, WS-7193 White Suede
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Sangria Red Metallic 7197, JV, JV-7197, M7197A 7197, JV, JV-7197, M7197A Sangria Red Metallic
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Brilliant Silver Metallic 7208, M7208, M7208A, UI, UI-7208 7208, M7208, M7208A, UI, UI-7208 Brilliant Silver Metallic
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Sport Blue Metallic 7209, M7209A, U1, U1-7209 7209, M7209A, U1, U1-7209 Sport Blue Metallic
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Red Candy Tint Metallic 7219, 9SSE, 9SSEWHA, EUW, M7219, M7219A, U, U6 7219, 9SSE, 9SSEWHA, EUW, M7219, M7219A, U, U6 Red Candy Tint Metallic
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Red Candy Pearl 7219, 9SSE, 9SSEWHA, EUW, M7219, M7219A, U, U6, U6-7219 7219, 9SSE, 9SSEWHA, EUW, M7219, M7219A, U, U6, U6-7219 Red Candy Pearl
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Blue Flame Metallic 7220, 9DSEWHA, M7220A, SZ, SZ-7220 7220, 9DSEWHA, M7220A, SZ, SZ-7220 Blue Flame Metallic
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Steel Blue Metallic 7227, M7227A, UN, UN-7227 7227, M7227A, UN, UN-7227 Steel Blue Metallic
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Brilliant Black A2Y, A3F, B3 A2Y, A3F, B3 Brilliant Black
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Hot Red A5T, AT5, HR A5T, AT5, HR Hot Red
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Ambition Gray Mica Metallic/Ambition Grey Mica Metallic AG, GA AG, GA Ambition Gray Mica Metallic/Ambition Grey Mica Metallic
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Light Parchment BJA, BJAA, BJAAXXJ BJA, BJAA, BJAAXXJ Light Parchment
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | West Pacific Blue Pearl BL BL West Pacific Blue Pearl
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Hot Red HR HR Hot Red
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Black 148485 JA6A, M4149J JA6A, M4149J Black 148485
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Sangria Red Metallic JV, M7197A JV, M7197A Sangria Red Metallic
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Blackout M6388G, M6488, YFY, YGY, YGYA, YGYAXXG M6388G, M6488, YFY, YGY, YGYA, YGYAXXG Blackout
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Titanium M6534D M6534D Titanium
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Medium Platinum Metallic M6546G, YBWC, YBWCXXG M6546G, YBWC, YBWCXXG Medium Platinum Metallic
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Atlantic Blue M6961D M6961D Atlantic Blue
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Platinum M7048, M7048G, YBWA M7048, M7048G, YBWA Platinum
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Light Ice Blue Metallic M7054A M7054A Light Ice Blue Metallic
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Gold Leaf Metallic M7225A, UP M7225A, UP Gold Leaf Metallic
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Argent Metallic XPQC XPQC Argent Metallic
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Medium Dark Platinum YBTA YBTA Medium Dark Platinum
2010 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Carbon Black YZ9A YZ9A Carbon Black


Why The Two-Step Paint System?

Your 2010 Ford Escape is painted at the factory with a high quality basecoat/clearcoat system. This two-step paint system consists of step one, the basecoat, which is your car’s actual color, and step two, the clearcoat, the specially formulated clear paint that protects the base color and provides the luster and deep shine your vehicle came with when new. AutomotiveTouchup products faithfully reproduce your vehicle manufacturer’s basecoat/clearcoat system.

Here's what our customers are saying about our Touch Up Paint:

Kelly F, owner of a 2010 Ford Escape from Virginia

I first purchased a touch-up paint pen for my Ford from a company on Amazon. They sent me a completely different color than what I ordered. This led me to AutomotiveTouchup and I placed an order with them. My paint arrived and it's a perfect match with the manufacturer's paint. The numerous dings from city parking are now invisible to the eye. Very happy with the order and would definitely order from them again, as well as recommend to others.

George G, owner of a 2010 Ford Escape from Westerville, OH

Good Match.

Joshua , owner of a 2010 Ford Escape from Easton, PA

Perfect color match!

Gustavo P, owner of a 2010 Ford Escape from Miami, FL

Excellent product. It matched my car color perfectly and was easy to apply.

Larry H, owner of a 2010 Ford Escape from Charlton, MA

The whole family was impressed with the way our car came out after the accident that left the rear fender badly scraped up. I insisted it was the result of my expert work, but truthfully it was the result of your product and directions. The repair matched perfectly and the finish was excellent. You have another very satisfied customer that will advertise by word of mouth.

Vicki M, owner of a 2010 Ford Escape from Cheektowaga, NY

I loved it. was easy to use and covered as your directions said.

Donna , owner of a 2010 Ford Escape from NC

Great paint! My husband used it after repairing a rust spot on my Escape. He was very pleased with the paint as it sprayed evenly and was a great color match.

Maureen C, owner of a 2010 Ford Escape from Phelan, CA

The color matching is perfect. You did a great job!

Michael S, owner of a 2010 Ford Escape from Yankton, SD


Anne, owner of a 2010 Ford Escape from Los Angeles, CA

The paint match was perfect! I have a metallic blue 2010 Ford Escape. I'm so happy that I saved hundreds of dollars & don't have to take it to a body shop. 100% satisfied! Thanks!

Joy L, owner of a 2010 Ford Escape from Marshall, VA

I was surprised at the quality of the basecoat and clear coat. Excellent match and it blended in beautifully. Thank you! Beats Dr Color Chip hands down.

Michael B, owner of a 2010 Ford Escape from NJ

Excellent match even though it is a metallic that can be difficult to blend into existing areas. This is at least my third order of touch up paint (aerosol) for various car repairs. I am good at body work (DIY), but then there's the finishing aspect of painting. Using Automotive touchup paint is the quickest, most cost effective way of getting professional results, especially as I don't have access to custom blending equipment like at a commercial auto body shop. I'm very pleased with the result. I challenge anyone to find the repair!

Tom, owner of a 2010 Ford Escape from Marquette, KS

The color match was good. Easy to apply. Looks great.

Anthony D, owner of a 2010 Ford Escape from Old Bridge, NJ

The color matched perfect. Those detail sticks worked well also. Very good company.

Andy B, owner of a 2010 Ford Escape from Madison, AL

I have to say the color match was spot-on. From a distance of about five feet, there is no way to tell that anything was done. I used the brush-on paint, though, which is difficult to get level (and I knew this going in as I have a lot of experience with these types of paints on scale model cars). I spent most of the afternoon applying coats of color and then clear. I used rubbing compound on the color after it dried and this helped a lot to smooth it out. I definitely recommend this product.

Cynthia G, owner of a 2010 Ford Escape from Cadillac, MI

I just painted the bad spots on my car last night. The paint was a very good match to my car color, and was very easy to use. I have plenty left over, so if I get any more shopping cart dings, I have enough paint to fix them. Excellent product.

Virgil P, owner of a 2010 Ford Escape from NE

I received my order in good condition and quickly. Color match was spot on, application was easy. I have to look for repair area myself as color blends so well. I am very pleased with the Company and product, if I ever need to repair another vehicle I will be back.

Tom S, owner of a 2010 Ford Escape from Jackson, MI

Great match on color on my Ford Escape, would not buy paint anywhere else.

Tom, owner of a 2010 Ford Escape from Michigan

Was not able to purchase the color of paint for my 2010 Ford Escape, so I ordered it from Automotivetouchup. It was well worth the wait! Perfect match & easy to apply. Online videos were help also. I will be a repeat customer when I need any touchup product.

Donald O, owner of a 2010 Ford Escape from Novi, MI

Products are excellent paint is exact match high quality paint.

Denny, owner of a 2010 Ford Escape from Key West, FL

Products as advertised that are easy to use and allow a perfect match with the base coat and clear coat. I used one half oz of both and had a lot left over. Thanks.

Mike W, owner of a 2010 Ford Escape from Quarryville, PA

I have used Automotive Touch Up for 5-6 years on at least 6 cars for stone chip repair. I use the 1/2 oz. or 2 oz. bottles and I believe this is the finest touchup paint available for the following reasons: 1. Color always matches perfectly whether using the single step or 2 step pearl colors. 2. The consistency is exactly right, not too thick or not too thin. The paint flows into chips nicely and does not clump or drain out of the chip. 3. Nice size container that stores well for future use. I have two bottles of Nissan pearl White , step 1 & 2 that are at least 5 years old and still usable. This would not be the case with the dealers tubes, 4. Service is prompt and material is well packaged. Hope this helps, I will continue to use your product in the future. Mike W.

Gerald M, owner of a 2010 Ford Escape from Indiana, PA

This is a great item. I am so satisfied with this product, It matches perfectly. I am telling all my friends, Thank you so much. Gerry, Indiana, Pa

Traci W, owner of a 2010 Ford Escape from Bowling Green, KY

I placed an order with Automotive Touchup and was very pleased with the exact match of the paint. They are not like those cheap touchup paints sold at automotive chain stores. This will match your vehicle. I would recommend this company to anyone needing a little touchup paint for those nicks and blemish you get driving or in parking lots.

David P, owner of a 2010 Ford Escape from Mechanicsburg, PA

The perfect purchase/ very user friendly. I will be back.

Judith K, owner of a 2010 Ford Escape from Medina, OH

Worked very well and happy with the results.

Curtis E, owner of a 2010 Ford Escape from Madison, WI

The paint works great. You can hardly tell I touched it up. But don't make the same mistake as me. Look on the order screen for where to check for your exact color. It's usually by the drivers side door. I ordered white and that didn't look good. When I realized my mistake and ordered the correct color I was good to go.

Terrance F, owner of a 2010 Ford Escape from Duluth, GA

It worked like a charm. Looks great. I bought the wrong type of clearcoat [from another store] and had to redo it. My mistake. Once I corrected it the job was perfect.

Gary R, owner of a 2010 Ford Escape from Lakeville, MN

Worked great!!

Michael H, owner of a 2010 Ford Escape from O Fallon, MO

Had to repair my daughter's passenger door mirror scratched up by a careless person in the hospital parking lot. The paint matched perfectly, I had concerns as factory paint colors can be hard to match sometimes. The mirror was sanded out and repainted, and looks good as new.

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