Choose your Automotive paint color for your 2011 Ford Escape

Restore Your 2011 Ford Escape Finish In Two Steps

Select Your Ford's Color (Step One)

AutomotiveTouchup paint products are custom mixed to perfectly match the color of your 2011 Ford Escape using a basecoat/clearcoat system just like factory specs. To insure a proper match, you’ll need to know your vehicle’s color code, so you can find it on the chart below. The color code can be located in the driver side door jamb. Click here for the Ford paint code location chart and paint code image example.

Chip Color Codes Color Description
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Panther Black Metallic/Panther Black Mica 019, 17W, 571, BK, D, D0, D1, D7, D8, D9, EUB, JAHC, JAYA, JAYC, PB, RJW, UE, VBD, XSC2851 019, 17W, 571, BK, D, D0, D1, D7, D8, D9, EUB, JAHC, JAYA, JAYC, PB, RJW, UE, VBD, XSC2851 Panther Black Metallic/Panther Black Mica
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Oxford White 023, 41, 417, 4PC, 4WF, 4WFA, 4WFAWHA, 5W, 6466, 93J, C4C, J2, LFC, M6466, M6466A, UB, W, W7, YZ, YZ-6466 023, 41, 417, 4PC, 4WF, 4WFA, 4WFAWHA, 5W, 6466, 93J, C4C, J2, LFC, M6466, M6466A, UB, W, W7, YZ, YZ-6466 Oxford White
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Frozen White 0F5, 2ZD, 3G, 4CA, 5, 56, 57, 673, 7VTA, 7X5, 9NH, A, A51, CO5, DZW, EUZ, F, F0, F1, H, H6, H6W, H7, H9, PN3GZ, RJF, SWK, WVZ, X1F7X5ZVT, Z2, ZVT 0F5, 2ZD, 3G, 4CA, 5, 56, 57, 673, 7VTA, 7X5, 9NH, A, A51, CO5, DZW, EUZ, F, F0, F1, H, H6, H6W, H7, H9, PN3GZ, RJF, SWK, WVZ, X1F7X5ZVT, Z2, ZVT Frozen White
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | White Platinum Pearl 0FA, 3KP, 59VJ, 7204, 9VJG, 9VJGWHA, 9VJGXHA, C4P, LFH, M7204, M7204A, NYA, PN3KP, RJI, UG, UG-7204 0FA, 3KP, 59VJ, 7204, 9VJG, 9VJGWHA, 9VJGXHA, C4P, LFH, M7204, M7204A, NYA, PN3KP, RJI, UG, UG-7204 White Platinum Pearl
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Moondust Silver Metallic 0FO, 2431, 4236, 436, 5, 6, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 7X0, 7XO, COO, DZM, H6M, JK6, K5, M6, MD, NYO, O, O1, O8, PNZJB, R1, RJD, S7, TY, VB6, XSC2431, ZJ, ZJAC, ZJB, ZJN, ZJNC 0FO, 2431, 4236, 436, 5, 6, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 7X0, 7XO, COO, DZM, H6M, JK6, K5, M6, MD, NYO, O, O1, O8, PNZJB, R1, RJD, S7, TY, VB6, XSC2431, ZJ, ZJAC, ZJB, ZJN, ZJNC Moondust Silver Metallic
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Ebony 12, 207, 4, 6373, A2X, J2, M6373, M6373A, R1, UA, UA-6373, UAWAWHA, UB, Z 12, 207, 4, 6373, A2X, J2, M6373, M6373A, R1, UA, UA-6373, UAWAWHA, UB, Z Ebony
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Toreador Red Metallic 14A, 6758, FJYE, FL, KA, M6758A, T2, T7 14A, 6758, FJYE, FL, KA, M6758A, T2, T7 Toreador Red Metallic
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Blazer Blue 198314, 199065, 199066, 201789, 236621, 237882, 240319, 243075, 254150, 255248, 687, 8CWA, 8CWAWWA, BX, E8, E9, J8, NYR, PN3JV, R8, RJG, UV 198314, 199065, 199066, 201789, 236621, 237882, 240319, 243075, 254150, 255248, 687, 8CWA, 8CWAWWA, BX, E8, E9, J8, NYR, PN3JV, R8, RJG, UV Blazer Blue
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Colorado Red/Ke Luo La Duo Hong 1EA4, 608, 7042, 73C, B, C, C0, C8, CO, CR, D3, D3-7042, K, K1, K2, K9, KLAJ, M0, M7042, M7042A, ND, NDTA, NDTAWWA, PF5, PNNDT, T5 1EA4, 608, 7042, 73C, B, C, C0, C8, CO, CR, D3, D3-7042, K, K1, K2, K9, KLAJ, M0, M7042, M7042A, ND, NDTA, NDTAWWA, PF5, PNNDT, T5 Colorado Red/Ke Luo La Duo Hong
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Diamantweiss 206, 4, 691A, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, B9, DW, N8, VB4, W8, ZAFA 206, 4, 691A, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, B9, DW, N8, VB4, W8, ZAFA Diamantweiss
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Diamond White 206, 4, 94, A2C, B2, B3, DW, M6347A, N8, NZ, W8, XSC0691, ZA, ZAAD, ZAFAWWA 206, 4, 94, A2C, B2, B3, DW, M6347A, N8, NZ, W8, XSC0691, ZA, ZAAD, ZAFAWWA Diamond White
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Silver Metallic 21H, 6349, 6505, 6895, 9Z, M6505A, YN, Z3, ZJMC, ZJMCWHA 21H, 6349, 6505, 6895, 9Z, M6505A, YN, Z3, ZJMC, ZJMCWHA Silver Metallic
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Sunlight Silver Metallic 22V, N2, S4 22V, N2, S4 Sunlight Silver Metallic
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Ultra Blue Metallic 25E, 6383, M1, M6383A, METEWHA, MM, MM-6383 25E, 6383, M1, M6383A, METEWHA, MM, MM-6383 Ultra Blue Metallic
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Dark Shadow Gray Metallic 28G, 7039, CX, M7039, M7039A, SPWC 28G, 7039, CX, M7039, M7039A, SPWC Dark Shadow Gray Metallic
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Arctic White 2FU, A2, A4D, AW, PMYFU, SWU 2FU, A2, A4D, AW, PMYFU, SWU Arctic White
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Light Flint 2NB, 2NBA 2NB, 2NBA Light Flint
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Satin Silver Metallic 2PJE, 2PJEWHA, 2PJEXHA, 7049, M7049, M7049A, TL, TL-7049 2PJE, 2PJEWHA, 2PJEXHA, 7049, M7049, M7049A, TL, TL-7049 Satin Silver Metallic
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Infra Red Metallic 2R5E, 2R5EWWA, 638 2R5E, 2R5EWWA, 638 Infra Red Metallic
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Race Red 2ZJ, 5BRQ, 7236, 7X7, 9NM, BRQ, BRQA, C4F, COZ, J, JA, JKN, M7236, N, PN4A7, PN4AU, PQ, PQ-7236, SW6, WV7 2ZJ, 5BRQ, 7236, 7X7, 9NM, BRQ, BRQA, C4F, COZ, J, JA, JKN, M7236, N, PN4A7, PN4AU, PQ, PQ-7236, SW6, WV7 Race Red
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Panther Black Metallic/Black Pearl 34T, PA, PACR 34T, PA, PACR Panther Black Metallic/Black Pearl
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Moonlight Silver Metallic 34V, CS 34V, CS Moonlight Silver Metallic
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | New Century Silver Metallic 34V, CS, CSCR 34V, CS, CSCR New Century Silver Metallic
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Performance Blue Metallic 34X, 3CVC, 3CVCWWA, 648, G, G4, H, JCC, JKB, PB, PBCR 34X, 3CVC, 3CVCWWA, 648, G, G4, H, JCC, JKB, PB, PBCR Performance Blue Metallic
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Mineral Gray Metallic/Mineral Grey Metallic 35B, 7020, M7020A, M7026A, TK 35B, 7020, M7020A, M7026A, TK Mineral Gray Metallic/Mineral Grey Metallic
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Tonic Blue Metallic 3DTC, 644, D3AA, TO, Z3 3DTC, 644, D3AA, TO, Z3 Tonic Blue Metallic
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Chill Metallic 3JP, 694, 8MJE, 8MJEWWA, 8P, CH, D, D8, P8, VBB 3JP, 694, 8MJE, 8MJEWWA, 8P, CH, D, D8, P8, VBB Chill Metallic
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Cinza Berlin Metallic/Sterling Grey Metallic/Sterling Gray Metallic 3KD, 7205, 9QRE, 9QREWHA, M7205, M7205A, UJ, UJ-7205 3KD, 7205, 9QRE, 9QREWHA, M7205, M7205A, UJ, UJ-7205 Cinza Berlin Metallic/Sterling Grey Metallic/Sterling Gray Metallic
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Tuxedo Black Metallic 3KQ, 59AY, 7211, 9AYE, 9AYEWHA, M7211, M7211A, UH, UH-7211 3KQ, 59AY, 7211, 9AYE, 9AYEWHA, M7211, M7211A, UH, UH-7211 Tuxedo Black Metallic
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Warm Steel Metallic 3Q4, 3Q4C 3Q4, 3Q4C Warm Steel Metallic
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Dynamic Red Metallic 3RSEWWA, 3SRE, 674, 7089, G2, G2-7089, M7089, PN4AD, RF, T6 3RSEWWA, 3SRE, 674, 7089, G2, G2-7089, M7089, PN4AD, RF, T6 Dynamic Red Metallic
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Sonic Blue Pearl/Sonic Blue Pearl Metallic 3YYE, 3YYEWHA, 3YYEXHA, 7095, M7095A, SN, SN-7095 3YYE, 3YYEWHA, 3YYEXHA, 7095, M7095A, SN, SN-7095 Sonic Blue Pearl/Sonic Blue Pearl Metallic
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Ebony 148541 4205, M4205J, ZHE, ZHE-4205, ZHEA 4205, M4205J, ZHE, ZHE-4205, ZHEA Ebony 148541
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Ingot Silver Metallic/Prata Dublin Metallic 4AG, 5APF, 5C, 5C-7226, 7226, APF, APFE, APFEWHA, APFEXHA, C4E, EUK, LFE, M226A, M7226, M7226A, PN4AG, PN4EK, SWV, UX, UX-7226, WVR 4AG, 5APF, 5C, 5C-7226, 7226, APF, APFE, APFEWHA, APFEXHA, C4E, EUK, LFE, M226A, M7226, M7226A, PN4AG, PN4EK, SWV, UX, UX-7226, WVR Ingot Silver Metallic/Prata Dublin Metallic
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Norsea Blue Pearl Metallic/Norsea Blue Metallic 4CQE, 4CQEWHA, 7111, KR, KR-7111, M7111 4CQE, 4CQEWHA, 7111, KR, KR-7111, M7111 Norsea Blue Pearl Metallic/Norsea Blue Metallic
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Royal Ego Metallic 58AY, GO 58AY, GO Royal Ego Metallic
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | School Bus Yellow 6284, 6284A, 67, 686DP473, 84S53, 91S53, AL, B1, BY, BY-6284, JV8A, M6284, M6284A, M6284F, M6284H, MX7081255, MX7081280, NY, X0880 6284, 6284A, 67, 686DP473, 84S53, 91S53, AL, B1, BY, BY-6284, JV8A, M6284, M6284A, M6284F, M6284H, MX7081255, MX7081280, NY, X0880 School Bus Yellow
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Sparkle Silver Metallic 6389, M6389, M6389A, YFKC 6389, M6389, M6389A, YFKC Sparkle Silver Metallic
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Vermilion Red 6470, 6886, 6D, E4, E4-6470, E8-6496, EGRA, EGRAWHA, M6470A, W4665, W4665D 6470, 6886, 6D, E4, E4-6470, E8-6496, EGRA, EGRAWHA, M6470A, W4665, W4665D Vermilion Red
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Vista Blue Metallic 6CV, 6CV3, 7147, G9, G9-7147, M7147, M7147A 6CV, 6CV3, 7147, G9, G9-7147, M7147, M7147A Vista Blue Metallic
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Light Ice Blue Metallic 7054, LS, LS-7054, M7054A 7054, LS, LS-7054, M7054A Light Ice Blue Metallic
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Dark Blue Pearl/Dark Blue Pearl Metallic 7083, DX, M7083A 7083, DX, M7083A Dark Blue Pearl/Dark Blue Pearl Metallic
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Redfire Metallic 7089, G2, M7089A 7089, G2, M7089A Redfire Metallic
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Monterey Metallic 7173, M7173A, T9, T9-7173 7173, M7173A, T9, T9-7173 Monterey Metallic
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Kona Blue Pearl/Kona Blue Metallic 7188, 8DY, 8DYE, 8DYEWHA, C4S, L6, L6-7188, M7188, M7188A 7188, 8DY, 8DYE, 8DYEWHA, C4S, L6, L6-7188, M7188, M7188A Kona Blue Pearl/Kona Blue Metallic
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | White Suede 7193, M7193A, WS, WS-7193 7193, M7193A, WS, WS-7193 White Suede
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Sangria Red Metallic 7197, JV, JV-7197, M7197A 7197, JV, JV-7197, M7197A Sangria Red Metallic
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Brilliant Silver Metallic 7208, M7208, M7208A, UI, UI-7208 7208, M7208, M7208A, UI, UI-7208 Brilliant Silver Metallic
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Red Candy Pearl/Candy Red Metallic 7219, 9SSE, 9SSEWHA, BRRE, EUW, M7219, M7219A, M7293, PN3K7, R, RZ, U, U6, U6-7219 7219, 9SSE, 9SSEWHA, BRRE, EUW, M7219, M7219A, M7293, PN3K7, R, RZ, U, U6, U6-7219 Red Candy Pearl/Candy Red Metallic
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Red Candy Tint Metallic 7219, 9SSE, 9SSEWHA, EUW, M7219, M7219A, U, U6 7219, 9SSE, 9SSEWHA, EUW, M7219, M7219A, U, U6 Red Candy Tint Metallic
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Blue Flame Metallic 7220, 9DSEWHA, M7220A, SZ, SZ-7220 7220, 9DSEWHA, M7220A, SZ, SZ-7220 Blue Flame Metallic
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Steel Blue Metallic 7227, M7227A, UN, UN-7227 7227, M7227A, UN, UN-7227 Steel Blue Metallic
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Green Orchid Metallic 7239, BHME, BHMEWHA, M7239A, SQ, SQ-7239 7239, BHME, BHMEWHA, M7239A, SQ, SQ-7239 Green Orchid Metallic
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Red Candy 2 Metallic 7293, BRRE, M7293, RZ 7293, BRRE, M7293, RZ Red Candy 2 Metallic
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Brilliant Black A2Y, A3F, B3 A2Y, A3F, B3 Brilliant Black
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Hot Red A5T, AT5, HR A5T, AT5, HR Hot Red
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Hot Red AT5, HR AT5, HR Hot Red
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Zinc Yellow B7, B7-7000, M6999A, M7000A B7, B7-7000, M6999A, M7000A Zinc Yellow
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Light Parchment BJA, BJAA, BJAAXXJ BJA, BJAA, BJAAXXJ Light Parchment
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | West Pacific Blue Pearl BL BL West Pacific Blue Pearl
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Black 148485 JA6A, M4149J JA6A, M4149J Black 148485
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Sangria Red Metallic JV JV Sangria Red Metallic
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Argent Metallic M6280A, XPEC M6280A, XPEC Argent Metallic
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Blackout M6388G, M6488, YFY, YGY, YGYA, YGYAXXG M6388G, M6488, YFY, YGY, YGYA, YGYAXXG Blackout
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Titanium M6534D M6534D Titanium
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Medium Platinum Metallic M6546G, YBWC, YBWCXXG M6546G, YBWC, YBWCXXG Medium Platinum Metallic
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Platinum M7048, M7048G, YBWA M7048, M7048G, YBWA Platinum
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Light Ice Blue Metallic M7054A M7054A Light Ice Blue Metallic
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Blue Flame Metallic M7220A M7220A Blue Flame Metallic
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Gold Leaf Metallic M7225A, UP M7225A, UP Gold Leaf Metallic
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Red Candy 2 Metallic RZ-7293 RZ-7293 Red Candy 2 Metallic
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Argent Metallic XPQC XPQC Argent Metallic
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Medium Dark Platinum YBTA YBTA Medium Dark Platinum
2011 Ford Escape Touch Up Paint | Carbon Black YZ9A YZ9A Carbon Black


Why The Two-Step Paint System?

Your 2011 Ford Escape is painted at the factory with a high quality basecoat/clearcoat system. This two-step paint system consists of step one, the basecoat, which is your car’s actual color, and step two, the clearcoat, the specially formulated clear paint that protects the base color and provides the luster and deep shine your vehicle came with when new. AutomotiveTouchup products faithfully reproduce your vehicle manufacturer’s basecoat/clearcoat system.

Here's what our customers are saying about our Touch Up Paint:

Gary Chase, owner of a 2011 Ford Escape from MILFORD

The touch up paint I received was a perfect color match. Color Sangria Red Metallic JV. Can not see where the repair was made. Followed the instructions on the cans with great results. Your how to videos were also very helpful. Thank You, Gary Chase Milford, Pa.

Thomas G, owner of a 2011 Ford Escape from Hanover Park, IL

Pretty good match. The newly painted is slightly darker, but the car is 9 years old so a little fading is to be expected. I liked the spray pattern. Different than most other paints. Other paints have a circular pattern. This paint was "more oblong" and narrow. Although I masked around the area being painted I probably didn't need to mask as much as I did.

Carm Arcieri, owner of a 2011 Ford Escape from mi

great color match. 2nd color I've ordered. very easy to apply.

Carmen A, owner of a 2011 Ford Escape from Port Huron, MI

2nd color I've gotten, both matched well. I'm satisfied.

Willis J, owner of a 2011 Ford Escape from Pleasant Gap, PA

It took a while to be shipped but matched great.

Paul, owner of a 2011 Ford Escape from Westchester, CA

Very satisfied with your products and your technical help, thanks to you I'm learning how to properly touch up chips and scratches.

Phillip R, owner of a 2011 Ford Escape from Grove City, OH

The color matchup was perfect, I'm no bodyman but followed the directions and the look is amazing! Had an estimate or over $500.00 and I did it myself for $44.00. Thank you so much for making such a quality product.

Vincent P, owner of a 2011 Ford Escape from Angier, NC

Can't thank you guys enough. I needed the color white suede for my 2011 Escape and could not find it locally. After much searching I found your website. Your site is also an excellent source for DIY's. After prepping the area on the vehicle and following the instructions from your website I laid down the base coat and the color match is perfect! In the future when I need paint I won't need to look anywhere else. Thanks much!!

Patricia N, owner of a 2011 Ford Escape from Saint Louis, MO

Perfect match to our paint on our escape. Ordered both clear coat and custom spray paint. My husband repaired a small area with rust as well as a scratched area on the bumper. It looks great. I am happy with the results. The only issue we had was with the delivery. UPS Surepost Was used and unfortunately when it was turned over to the post office it was delivered to the wrong address. After several phone calls to the post office and some tracking on their side, our package was finally delivered to us. It had been delivered a few blocks away from us by the mail carrier. I would recommend staying with UPS or FedEx and not using the post office as the delivery service for your packages.

Karen , owner of a 2011 Ford Escape from Hillsborough, NJ

Exactly what I wanted! Perfect color match!

Dale L, owner of a 2011 Ford Escape from Denver, CO

Wow, painting a rear bumper cover saved me over $500.00. I was scared to death it wouldn't come out right but when done painting I sanded it lightly, rubbed it out and then waxed it. It is perfect. Great products, especially since it's metallic paint. I would do this again of needed.

Alvin D, owner of a 2011 Ford Escape from Vail, AZ

Pretty close match, not 100% though. Our car has sat outside for 2 years, so that might have made a difference. Quick shipping though.

Robert W, owner of a 2011 Ford Escape from Goshen, IN

Great match, like always. Even my body shop tech was amazed how paint from a spray-can could match so perfect. This has been my third order for three different color vehicles all matched perfectly. Saved big bucks by doing myself.

Kevin W, owner of a 2011 Ford Escape from Sedona, AZ

Great job...great price.

Stephen C, owner of a 2011 Ford Escape from Nashville, TN

Good products. Delivered on time. No problems.

Douglas R, owner of a 2011 Ford Escape from Erlanger, KY

Color was a perfect match. Easy to apply. I would definitely purchase again from your company if the need should arise.

Eileen A, owner of a 2011 Ford Escape from Lisbon, OH

Worked like a charm. My husband was amazed with the results. Would buy again. Thank you.

Tim C, owner of a 2011 Ford Escape from Norwalk, IA

Your product worked great. Easy to use and color match was dead on. Thanks!

Dean E, owner of a 2011 Ford Escape from Hampton, IA

My order arrived on time- as they said it would; and looks to match our car exactly (it's too cold to touch it up right now). Very glad I ordered from this company.

Pat W, owner of a 2011 Ford Escape from Washington, NJ

This was just a tad darker than the original paint. If someone else looks at it they can't tell the difference so maybe it's just that we know where the scratches were. All in all we were satisfied with the ordering process and fast delivery. I would probably buy from here again.

Barbara, owner of a 2011 Ford Escape from Florida

I ordered the paint pens to repair two tiny but irritating scratches on my new-to-me Escape Hybrid. The color match is perfect (Steel Blue Metallic). The instructions were clear and easy to follow. The product worked as described, and the repairs are barely detectable. Thanks for a great product!

Dennis O, owner of a 2011 Ford Escape from Novi, MI

It was very easy to use your web site, received my paint and it matched up great!

Michele C, owner of a 2011 Ford Escape from ON

We had a little bit of rust around one of our wheel wells. After getting a quote of $500.00 from the dealership to address the issue we decided to see what less expensive method we could use. We found the Automotive Touchup site, purchased both spray & clear coat, prepared & applied it as directed with fabulous results!!! One of our friends dropped in & on the way up the drive thought we had leased a new car! Thank you Automotive Touchup!!!

Paul B, owner of a 2011 Ford Escape from Gladstone, ND

The color was a perfect match.

Karol A, owner of a 2011 Ford Escape from Henrico, VA

My order was processed correctly and swiftly. The color match was exact. I was able to fix my bumper on my own and it looks just like brand new. Thank you.

Sandra J, owner of a 2011 Ford Escape from Sewickley, PA

Great match and easy to use website............thanks, guys!

Daniel H, owner of a 2011 Ford Escape from Powder Springs, GA

The product was easy, not expensive, and most of all, a "perfect" match. Thank You!

Peter T, owner of a 2011 Ford Escape from Woodbridge, VA

Received my touch up paint in a very reasonable mount of time after ordering. My vehicle is a gold 2011 Escape, could not find this color at any of the local parts stores so I hit the internet. I only had a couple of small chips but they annoyed the hell out of me. Put on 2 thin coats and PRESTO. Can't tell it unless you stare at it from a foot away. Excellent color match Very Good Product!! Pete Towle, Va.

Sandy J, owner of a 2011 Ford Escape from Sewickley, PA

Nice job, Folks. Perfect match of my sangria red! Shipping was pretty darn fast too.

WayneF415, owner of a 2011 Ford Escape from Ohio

The wife recently got the first big stone chip on the hood of her brand new Ford Escape. Your touch-up bottle was a perfect match. After a little wetsand and rubbing, it practically disappeared... as did the sad look on her face!

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