Choose your Automotive paint color for your 2018 Ford Explorer

Restore Your 2018 Ford Explorer Finish In Two Steps

Select Your Ford's Color (Step One)

AutomotiveTouchup paint products are custom mixed to perfectly match the color of your 2018 Ford Explorer using a basecoat/clearcoat system just like factory specs. To insure a proper match, you’ll need to know your vehicle’s color code, so you can find it on the chart below. The color code can be located in the driver side door jamb. Click here for the Ford paint code location chart and paint code image example.

Chip Color Codes Color Description
2018 Ford Explorer Touch Up Paint | Oxford White 023, 41, 417, 4PC, 4WF, 4WFA, 4WFAWHA, 5W, 6466, 93J, C4C, J2, LFC, M6466, M6466A, UB, W, W7, YZ, YZ-6466 023, 41, 417, 4PC, 4WF, 4WFA, 4WFAWHA, 5W, 6466, 93J, C4C, J2, LFC, M6466, M6466A, UB, W, W7, YZ, YZ-6466 Oxford White
2018 Ford Explorer Touch Up Paint | Frozen White 0F5, 2ZD, 3G, 4CA, 5, 56, 57, 673, 7VTA, 7VTAWWA, 7X5, 9NH, A, A51, CO5, DZW, EUZ, F, F0, F1, F7X5ZVT, H, H6, H6W, H7, H9, PN3GZ, RJF, SWK, WVZ, X1, X1F7X5ZVT, Z2, ZVT 0F5, 2ZD, 3G, 4CA, 5, 56, 57, 673, 7VTA, 7VTAWWA, 7X5, 9NH, A, A51, CO5, DZW, EUZ, F, F0, F1, F7X5ZVT, H, H6, H6W, H7, H9, PN3GZ, RJF, SWK, WVZ, X1, X1F7X5ZVT, Z2, ZVT Frozen White
2018 Ford Explorer Touch Up Paint | Blue Diamond Metallic 0F6, 5JCT, 7411, 93B, FT, FT-7411, JCTE, JCTEWHA, M7411, M7411A, PN4FT, RJV 0F6, 5JCT, 7411, 93B, FT, FT-7411, JCTE, JCTEWHA, M7411, M7411A, PN4FT, RJV Blue Diamond Metallic
2018 Ford Explorer Touch Up Paint | White Platinum Pearl 0FA, 3KP, 59VJ, 7204, 9VJG, 9VJGWHA, 9VJGXHA, C4P, LFH, M7204, M7204A, NYA, PN3KP, RJI, UG, UG-7204 0FA, 3KP, 59VJ, 7204, 9VJG, 9VJGWHA, 9VJGXHA, C4P, LFH, M7204, M7204A, NYA, PN3KP, RJI, UG, UG-7204 White Platinum Pearl
2018 Ford Explorer Touch Up Paint | Copper Pulse Metallic 0FC, 733, C, DXQE, DXQEWWA, P, PC 0FC, 733, C, DXQE, DXQEWWA, P, PC Copper Pulse Metallic
2018 Ford Explorer Touch Up Paint | Deep Impact Blue Metallic/Deep Impact Blue Pearl Metallic/Azul Carmel Pearl Metallic 0FG, 5L, 7289, 7XA, COH, DCWE, DCWEWHA, DCWEXWA, DI, G, H, H6A, H6G, HF, J4, J4-7289, M7289A, RJL 0FG, 5L, 7289, 7XA, COH, DCWE, DCWEWHA, DCWEXWA, DI, G, H, H6A, H6G, HF, J4, J4-7289, M7289A, RJL Deep Impact Blue Metallic/Deep Impact Blue Pearl Metallic/Azul Carmel Pearl Metallic
2018 Ford Explorer Touch Up Paint | Vermelho Vermont Metallic/Ruby Red Metallic 0FK, 454, 5DST, 7283, 7284, 7XK, C4A, DST, DSTE, DSTEWTA, DSTEXTA, LFA, M7283, M7283A, M7284, M7284A, PNEAM, PQ5, RJA, RR, RR-7283, VB3 0FK, 454, 5DST, 7283, 7284, 7XK, C4A, DST, DSTE, DSTEWTA, DSTEXTA, LFA, M7283, M7283A, M7284, M7284A, PNEAM, PQ5, RJA, RR, RR-7283, VB3 Vermelho Vermont Metallic/Ruby Red Metallic
2018 Ford Explorer Touch Up Paint | Moondust Silver Metallic 0FO, 2431, 4236, 436, 5, 6, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 7X0, 7XO, COO, DZM, H6M, JK6, K5, M6, MD, NYO, O, O1, O8, PNZJB, R1, RJD, S7, TY, VB6, XSC2431, ZJ, ZJAC, ZJB, ZJN, ZJNC, ZJNCWWA 0FO, 2431, 4236, 436, 5, 6, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 7X0, 7XO, COO, DZM, H6M, JK6, K5, M6, MD, NYO, O, O1, O8, PNZJB, R1, RJD, S7, TY, VB6, XSC2431, ZJ, ZJAC, ZJB, ZJN, ZJNC, ZJNCWWA Moondust Silver Metallic
2018 Ford Explorer Touch Up Paint | Absolute Black/Shadow Black Pearl/Absolute Black Pearl 0FP, 2FT, 3, 5B, 5G9Z, 7343, 7XP, 9NX, C4M, COJ, G1, G1-7343, G9ZE, G9ZEWHA, H6Z, M7343, M7343A, PNZAT, SWL, UO, VBE, WVS 0FP, 2FT, 3, 5B, 5G9Z, 7343, 7XP, 9NX, C4M, COJ, G1, G1-7343, G9ZE, G9ZEWHA, H6Z, M7343, M7343A, PNZAT, SWL, UO, VBE, WVS Absolute Black/Shadow Black Pearl/Absolute Black Pearl
2018 Ford Explorer Touch Up Paint | Magnetic Metallic 0FU, 2ZQ, 7325, 7XU, 93A, C4J, COB, EUQ, FM6, FM6E, FM6EWHA, J7, J7-7325, JKQ, LFJ, M7325A, MT, NYU, Q, RJH, SWW, WVQ 0FU, 2ZQ, 7325, 7XU, 93A, C4J, COB, EUQ, FM6, FM6E, FM6EWHA, J7, J7-7325, JKQ, LFJ, M7325A, MT, NYU, Q, RJH, SWW, WVQ Magnetic Metallic
2018 Ford Explorer Touch Up Paint | Ebony 12, 207, 4, 6373, A2X, J2, M6373, M6373A, R1, UA, UA-6373, UAWAWHA, UB, Z 12, 207, 4, 6373, A2X, J2, M6373, M6373A, R1, UA, UA-6373, UAWAWHA, UB, Z Ebony
2018 Ford Explorer Touch Up Paint | Blazer Blue 198314, 199065, 199066, 201789, 236621, 237882, 240319, 243075, 254150, 255248, 687, 8CWA, 8CWAWWA, BX, E8, E9, J8, NYR, PN3JV, R8, RJG, UV 198314, 199065, 199066, 201789, 236621, 237882, 240319, 243075, 254150, 255248, 687, 8CWA, 8CWAWWA, BX, E8, E9, J8, NYR, PN3JV, R8, RJG, UV Blazer Blue
2018 Ford Explorer Touch Up Paint | Colorado Red/Ke Luo La Duo Hong 1EA4, 608, 7042, 73C, B, C, C0, C8, CO, CR, D3, D3-7042, K, K1, K2, K9, KLAJ, M0, M7042, M7042A, ND, NDTA, NDTAWWA, PF5, PNNDT, T5 1EA4, 608, 7042, 73C, B, C, C0, C8, CO, CR, D3, D3-7042, K, K1, K2, K9, KLAJ, M0, M7042, M7042A, ND, NDTA, NDTAWWA, PF5, PNNDT, T5 Colorado Red/Ke Luo La Duo Hong
2018 Ford Explorer Touch Up Paint | Ultra Blue Metallic 25E, 6383, M1, M6383A, METEWHA, MM, MM-6383 25E, 6383, M1, M6383A, METEWHA, MM, MM-6383 Ultra Blue Metallic
2018 Ford Explorer Touch Up Paint | Silver Gray Metallic 2813, FBD, M2813A, MNSCWHA, MX703332, TN, TN-2813, W2813C, WT2813 2813, FBD, M2813A, MNSCWHA, MX703332, TN, TN-2813, W2813C, WT2813 Silver Gray Metallic
2018 Ford Explorer Touch Up Paint | Race Red 2ZJ, 5BRQ, 7236, 7X7, 9NM, BRQ, BRQA, BRQAWHA, BRQAWWA, C4F, COZ, J, JA, JKN, M7236, M7236A, N, PN4A7, PN4AU, PQ, PQ-7236, SW6, WV7 2ZJ, 5BRQ, 7236, 7X7, 9NM, BRQ, BRQA, BRQAWHA, BRQAWWA, C4F, COZ, J, JA, JKN, M7236, M7236A, N, PN4A7, PN4AU, PQ, PQ-7236, SW6, WV7 Race Red
2018 Ford Explorer Touch Up Paint | Medium Brown Pearl Metallic/Medium Brown Metallic 3837, BU, BU-3837, MX821724, W3837N, WT3837 3837, BU, BU-3837, MX821724, W3837N, WT3837 Medium Brown Pearl Metallic/Medium Brown Metallic
2018 Ford Explorer Touch Up Paint | Cinza Berlin Metallic/Sterling Grey Metallic/Sterling Gray Metallic 3KD, 7205, 9QRE, 9QREWHA, M7205, M7205A, UJ, UJ-7205 3KD, 7205, 9QRE, 9QREWHA, M7205, M7205A, UJ, UJ-7205 Cinza Berlin Metallic/Sterling Grey Metallic/Sterling Gray Metallic
2018 Ford Explorer Touch Up Paint | Ebony 148541 4205, M4205J, ZHE, ZHE-4205, ZHEA 4205, M4205J, ZHE, ZHE-4205, ZHEA Ebony 148541
2018 Ford Explorer Touch Up Paint | Ingot Silver Metallic/Prata Dublin Metallic 4AG, 5APF, 5C, 5C-7226, 7226, APF, APFE, APFEWHA, APFEXHA, C4E, EUK, LFE, M226A, M7226, M7226A, PN4AG, PN4EK, SWV, UX, UX-7226, WVR 4AG, 5APF, 5C, 5C-7226, 7226, APF, APFE, APFEWHA, APFEXHA, C4E, EUK, LFE, M226A, M7226, M7226A, PN4AG, PN4EK, SWV, UX, UX-7226, WVR Ingot Silver Metallic/Prata Dublin Metallic
2018 Ford Explorer Touch Up Paint | Norsea Blue Metallic/Norsea Blue Pearl Metallic 4CQE, 4CQEWHA, 7111, KR, KR-7111, M7111, M7111A 4CQE, 4CQEWHA, 7111, KR, KR-7111, M7111, M7111A Norsea Blue Metallic/Norsea Blue Pearl Metallic
2018 Ford Explorer Touch Up Paint | Caribou Metallic 5FWC, 7335, FWCEWHA, FWCEXWA, H5, H5-7335, M7335, M7335A, PN4DY 5FWC, 7335, FWCEWHA, FWCEXWA, H5, H5-7335, M7335, M7335A, PN4DY Caribou Metallic
2018 Ford Explorer Touch Up Paint | Sparkle Silver Metallic 6389, M6389, M6389A, YFKC 6389, M6389, M6389A, YFKC Sparkle Silver Metallic
2018 Ford Explorer Touch Up Paint | Medium Titanium Metallic 6442, M6442A, YG, YG-6442 6442, M6442A, YG, YG-6442 Medium Titanium Metallic
2018 Ford Explorer Touch Up Paint | Vermilion Red 6470, 6886, 6D, E4, E4-6470, E8-6496, EGRA, EGRAWHA, M6470A, W4665, W4665D 6470, 6886, 6D, E4, E4-6470, E8-6496, EGRA, EGRAWHA, M6470A, W4665, W4665D Vermilion Red
2018 Ford Explorer Touch Up Paint | Dark Toreador Metallic/Dark Toreador Red Metallic 6771, EVYE, EVYEWHA, JL, JL-6771, M6771A, UF, W4676D, WT4676 6771, EVYE, EVYEWHA, JL, JL-6771, M6771A, UF, W4676D, WT4676 Dark Toreador Metallic/Dark Toreador Red Metallic
2018 Ford Explorer Touch Up Paint | White Pearl/White Pearl Metallic 6864, M6864A, WF, WF-6864 6864, M6864A, WF, WF-6864 White Pearl/White Pearl Metallic
2018 Ford Explorer Touch Up Paint | Vermilion 6886, F1, F1-6886, M6886A, W4665 6886, F1, F1-6886, M6886A, W4665 Vermilion
2018 Ford Explorer Touch Up Paint | Highland Green Metallic/Dark Highland Green Metallic 6920, 6921, IMD, M6920A, M6921A, PX, PX-6920, PY, PY-6921 6920, 6921, IMD, M6920A, M6921A, PX, PX-6920, PY, PY-6921 Highland Green Metallic/Dark Highland Green Metallic
2018 Ford Explorer Touch Up Paint | Royal Blue 6968, LM, LM-6968, M6968A 6968, LM, LM-6968, M6968A Royal Blue
2018 Ford Explorer Touch Up Paint | Smokestone Metallic/Smokestone Beige Metallic 7148, HG, HG-7148, M7148A 7148, HG, HG-7148, M7148A Smokestone Metallic/Smokestone Beige Metallic
2018 Ford Explorer Touch Up Paint | Kona Blue Pearl/Kona Blue Metallic 7188, 8DY, 8DYE, 8DYEWHA, C4S, L6, L6-7188, M7188, M7188A 7188, 8DY, 8DYE, 8DYEWHA, C4S, L6, L6-7188, M7188, M7188A Kona Blue Pearl/Kona Blue Metallic
2018 Ford Explorer Touch Up Paint | Red Candy Tint Metallic 7219, 9SSE, 9SSEWHA, EUW, M7219, M7219A, U, U6 7219, 9SSE, 9SSEWHA, EUW, M7219, M7219A, U, U6 Red Candy Tint Metallic
2018 Ford Explorer Touch Up Paint | Red Candy Pearl 7219, 9SSE, 9SSEWHA, EUW, M7219, M7219A, U, U6, U6-7219 7219, 9SSE, 9SSEWHA, EUW, M7219, M7219A, U, U6, U6-7219 Red Candy Pearl
2018 Ford Explorer Touch Up Paint | Kodiak Brown Metallic 7261, CKY, CKYE, CKYEWHA, J1, J1-7261, M7261A 7261, CKY, CKYE, CKYEWHA, J1, J1-7261, M7261A Kodiak Brown Metallic
2018 Ford Explorer Touch Up Paint | Blue Jeans Metallic/Midnight Sapphire Metallic 7291, DDVE, M7291, N1, N1-7291 7291, DDVE, M7291, N1, N1-7291 Blue Jeans Metallic/Midnight Sapphire Metallic
2018 Ford Explorer Touch Up Paint | Red Candy 2 Metallic 7293, BRRE, M7293, RZ 7293, BRRE, M7293, RZ Red Candy 2 Metallic
2018 Ford Explorer Touch Up Paint | Nx Green Gem Metallic 2 7296, DGXE, M7296, W6, W6-7296, W7515G, WT7515 7296, DGXE, M7296, W6, W6-7296, W7515G, WT7515 Nx Green Gem Metallic 2
2018 Ford Explorer Touch Up Paint | Sunset Metallic 7298, D7, D7-7298, ER4E, M7298A 7298, D7, D7-7298, ER4E, M7298A Sunset Metallic
2018 Ford Explorer Touch Up Paint | Arizona Beige Metallic 7317, E3, E3-7317, M7317, M7317A 7317, E3, E3-7317, M7317, M7317A Arizona Beige Metallic
2018 Ford Explorer Touch Up Paint | Guard Metallic 7326, FH7E, HN, HN-7326, M7326 7326, FH7E, HN, HN-7326, M7326 Guard Metallic
2018 Ford Explorer Touch Up Paint | Burgundy Velvet Pearl/Burgundy Velvet Metallic 7356, C4U, GRT, GRTE, GRTEWTA, LFR, M7356, M7356A, M7357, M7357A, R3, R3-7356 7356, C4U, GRT, GRTE, GRTEWTA, LFR, M7356, M7356A, M7357, M7357A, R3, R3-7356 Burgundy Velvet Pearl/Burgundy Velvet Metallic
2018 Ford Explorer Touch Up Paint | Chroma Caviar Metallic 7368, HNVE, M7368A, XF, XF-7368 7368, HNVE, M7368A, XF, XF-7368 Chroma Caviar Metallic
2018 Ford Explorer Touch Up Paint | Canyon Ridge Metallic 7378, C7, C7-7378, HKQEWHA, M7378A, VBI 7378, C7, C7-7378, HKQEWHA, M7378A, VBI Canyon Ridge Metallic
2018 Ford Explorer Touch Up Paint | Stone Gray Metallic/Stone Gray Pearl 7393, D1, D1-7393, JN7E, LFG, M7393 7393, D1, D1-7393, JN7E, LFG, M7393 Stone Gray Metallic/Stone Gray Pearl
2018 Ford Explorer Touch Up Paint | Chroma Crystal Blue Mica Metallic 7401, EB, EB-7401, JCBE, M7401, NY6 7401, EB, EB-7401, JCBE, M7401, NY6 Chroma Crystal Blue Mica Metallic
2018 Ford Explorer Touch Up Paint | Cinnamon Glaze Metallic 7405, EC, EC-7405, JRRE, JRREWHA, M7405A 7405, EC, EC-7405, JRRE, JRREWHA, M7405A Cinnamon Glaze Metallic
2018 Ford Explorer Touch Up Paint | Iconic Silver Metallic/Silver Radiance Metallic 7432, 93F, JS, JS-7432, LPME, M7432A 7432, 93F, JS, JS-7432, LPME, M7432A Iconic Silver Metallic/Silver Radiance Metallic
2018 Ford Explorer Touch Up Paint | Dark Foundry Metallic 7NE, 7NEC 7NE, 7NEC Dark Foundry Metallic
2018 Ford Explorer Touch Up Paint | Dark Blue 8161, KS6AWHA, LK, LK-8161, M8161, W8161H, WT8161 8161, KS6AWHA, LK, LK-8161, M8161, W8161H, WT8161 Dark Blue
2018 Ford Explorer Touch Up Paint | Light Blue Metallic 8816, LN, LN-8816, M8816, W8816H, WT8816 8816, LN, LN-8816, M8816, W8816H, WT8816 Light Blue Metallic
2018 Ford Explorer Touch Up Paint | Light Parchment BJA, BJAA, BJAAXXJ BJA, BJAA, BJAAXXJ Light Parchment
2018 Ford Explorer Touch Up Paint | Platinum Dune Pearl BK, EU2GWHA, M7306A BK, EU2GWHA, M7306A Platinum Dune Pearl
2018 Ford Explorer Touch Up Paint | Silver Lining Metallic FLAE FLAE Silver Lining Metallic
2018 Ford Explorer Touch Up Paint | Magnetic Metallic Matte FM6E, FM6EXWE, J7 FM6E, FM6EXWE, J7 Magnetic Metallic Matte
2018 Ford Explorer Touch Up Paint | White Gold Metallic/White Gold Pearl Metallic/Palladium White Gold Pearl Metallic GN, GN-7362, HQHE, HQHEWHA, M7362A GN, GN-7362, HQHE, HQHEWHA, M7362A White Gold Metallic/White Gold Pearl Metallic/Palladium White Gold Pearl Metallic
2018 Ford Explorer Touch Up Paint | Black 148485 JA6A, M4149J JA6A, M4149J Black 148485
2018 Ford Explorer Touch Up Paint | Locus Silver Metallic/Locas Silver Metallic JP4E JP4E Locus Silver Metallic/Locas Silver Metallic
2018 Ford Explorer Touch Up Paint | Blackout M6388G, M6488, YFY, YGY, YGYA, YGYAXXG M6388G, M6488, YFY, YGY, YGYA, YGYAXXG Blackout
2018 Ford Explorer Touch Up Paint | Titanium M6534D M6534D Titanium
2018 Ford Explorer Touch Up Paint | Medium Platinum Metallic M6546G, YBWC, YBWCXXG M6546G, YBWC, YBWCXXG Medium Platinum Metallic
2018 Ford Explorer Touch Up Paint | Atlantic Blue M6961D M6961D Atlantic Blue
2018 Ford Explorer Touch Up Paint | Red Candy 2 Metallic RZ-7293 RZ-7293 Red Candy 2 Metallic
2018 Ford Explorer Touch Up Paint | Moondust Silver Metallic S7, ZJAC, ZJNC S7, ZJAC, ZJNC Moondust Silver Metallic
2018 Ford Explorer Touch Up Paint | Carbon Black YZ9A YZ9A Carbon Black


Why The Two-Step Paint System?

Your 2018 Ford Explorer is painted at the factory with a high quality basecoat/clearcoat system. This two-step paint system consists of step one, the basecoat, which is your car’s actual color, and step two, the clearcoat, the specially formulated clear paint that protects the base color and provides the luster and deep shine your vehicle came with when new. AutomotiveTouchup products faithfully reproduce your vehicle manufacturer’s basecoat/clearcoat system.

Here's what our customers are saying about our Touch Up Paint:

Robert C, owner of a 2018 Ford Explorer from Livermore, CA

I've used Automotive Touch-Up for all of my DIY vehicle painting needs, and every time, the color and look of the paint has been as close a match as one could ever hope for!

Maria S, owner of a 2018 Ford Explorer from Simpsonville, SC

Thank you for the Awesome product and service!

Troy R, owner of a 2018 Ford Explorer from Tawas City, MI

Outstanding product color match was great product is easy to put on with some lite sanding and a little rubbing compound it hard to find. This is the second time I've gotting paint from here first time was for my truck and I had the same luck. What a great group to do business with.

Carl C, owner of a 2018 Ford Explorer from Sunset Beach, NC

Perfect match for a difficult color!

Jamie, owner of a 2018 Ford Explorer from NH

Second or third purchase, as always color match was spot on. Two of my fords and my sons Hyundai and color match was dead on. The Hyundai was off slightly, but that was a 16 year old weathered paint surface.. Still was almost flawless match. Dr Color cheap did not even list the ford colors for 2018 explorer. Keep up the great work..

Carl K, owner of a 2018 Ford Explorer from Las Vegas, NV

Second purchase of Automotive Touchup products - the recent purchase of Ingot Silver for the 2018 Explorer is exactly as expected - perfect match, easy application, good finish result. Although the self- inflicted blemish was only the width of a sheet of paper, It did take 3 attempts before I was satisfied due to unsteady hands and poor closeup vision.

Loquan A, owner of a 2018 Ford Explorer from Wappingers Falls, NY

Actually using this paint for my model cars to give them an authentic look.

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