Here's what our customers are saying about our Touch Up Paint:
Jeanette N, owner of a 2005 Hyundai Elantra from Denver, CO
The red paint I bought for my Hyundai Elantra was a perfect color match! I was able to erase a lot of wear and tear caused by other drivers' parking lot carelessness, and the long scratch caused by an a-hole neighbor who keyed my car. It took more than one coat for heavy scratches, and multiple coats of the clear coat to make it shiny, but I couldn't afford to have the car repainted and I'm very happy with the results. Spray painting a car is not generally recommended, but what I learned from this is that it's fine as long as you use real automotive paint and the color is mixed to match just right. These products are great!
Hilary S, owner of a 2005 Hyundai XG350 from South Park, PA
Color match was right on the money. I thought the spray nozzle on the can left a little to be desired. Product wise, GREAT
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