What makes it possible to help so many customers attain a high quality, low-cost auto paint repair is our ability to ship
precision matched Pontiac automotive paints in exactly the right size every job demands. Whether you need a gallon of Ready
To Spray Olympic White for your 2005 Pontiac Grand Am or a 1/2 oz. brush-in bottle of Galaxy Silver Metallic, AutomotiveTouchup
is one of the easiest (and least expensive) ways to restore your Pontiac's original factory finish. Our complete auto paint
product line also includes paint pens, 2 oz. brush-in bottles, 12 oz. aerosol canisters, and Ready To Spray paints in pints,
quarts, and gallons. AutomotiveTouchup's 1/2 oz. brush-in bottles and paint pens can deliver the same original factory-matched
Pontiac paints for the smallest of jobs, including
simple touch ups - no matter which model or year you happen to have parked in your driveway. So if you need a brush-in bottle
or paint pen of All Terrain Blue, Merlot Jewel Metallic, or Inferno Orange Metallic for your 2009 Pontiac Solstice, AutomotiveTouchup
can deliver an exact manufacturer's matched paint in exactly the size you need to complete a professional-looking repair
to your Pontiac for less.

Perfectly matched auto touch-up paints are only the beginning. AutomotiveTouchup is a convenient source for the quality
body repair products you need to restore the finish of your Pontiac, no matter the year or model. We can even ship direct
to your door aerosol primers (available in grey, red, black, and white), bumper repair kits, and sandpapers, as well as
a wide assortment of masking tape, trim repair paints, and glazing and spot putties. Need a dust mask to go along with one
of the market's top spray guns? We've got it. And if we don't have it, your Pontiac probably doesn't need it.