More people attain a high-quality, low-cost auto paint repair because AutomotiveTouchup is able to ship precision matched
Smart automotive paints in exactly the right size every job demands. Whether you need a gallon of Ready To Spray Jack Black
to re-spray a 2013 ForTwo or want to clean up a few scratches on the door of your Bay Gray Metallic 2007 ForFour with a
paint pen or 1/2 oz. brush-in bottle, AutomotiveTouchup can provide one of the easiest, least expensive ways to restore
your Smart's original factory finish. Other available sizes include our 2 oz. brush-in bottles, 12 oz. aerosol canisters,
and Ready To Spray pints and quarts.

Manufacturer's matched auto touch-up paints are only the beginning. AutomotiveTouchup is a great source for the quality
body repair products Smart car owners need to restore the original finish of their vehicle, no matter the year or model.
For example, we proudly sell four separate colored aerosol primers (grey, red, black, and white) for thorough coverage as
well as one of the industry's leading clear coats. We also provide do-it-yourselfers with bumper repair kits and sandpapers,
as well as a wide assortment of masking tape, trim repair paints, and glazing and spot putties. Need a dust mask to go along
with one of the market's top spray guns? We've got both.